Do you think one of them is using gear pt. 2

Yep, they don't service my state.
LEF does have their draw kits they send through the mail but their tests are insanely expensive.
Chemistry panel (complete metabolic panel with lipids)
Total and Free Testosterone
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)
Free T3
Cost: $398.66 unless you want to pay $75 for an annual membership which brings it down to $299.
That is the only direct blood lab I've been able to find that services my asshole state.

Yep, 100% serious.
I don't think they understand half-lives, they just said that "it lasts longer than 4d".
No shit sherlocks, I'm trying to minimize swings and told them that.
I'm not going to do it though, it's just stupid.
Oh and never once did they offer to test for E2....

The worst part is that these doctors are part of my state's best and largest hospital.

Crikey, that's a chunk of change! Someone's making some bank...

I think you're right. They don't understand half-lives enough to realize that just because it can last up to like 20 days before it's pretty much nil, doesn't mean you'll see the benefits. I remember trying E14D when I first started and wanted to punch a kitten at about the middle of the next week. E3.5D is sooooo much better. That's kind of why I'm perplexed with how cycle doses work apparently better with less frequency. I have a feeling that while the sides might be worse due to larger spikes, that it will be a better anabolic response as there's just simply more hormone present all the time.

Sadly, being in the biggest and best does not make one the best at said profession. ;)
good morning peeps.. or afternoon for most of you fuckers

That's right afternoon...while you guys were still sleeping we were getting the country going! While you were dreaming about your next client or what position you wanted to have sex in, we were slaving in the mines and breaking shit.

Yes, Doc had too much coffee and lettuce today...makes for an unstable combination.
That's right afternoon...while you guys were still sleeping we were getting the country going! While you were dreaming about your next client or what position you wanted to have sex in, we were slaving in the mines and breaking shit.

Yes, Doc had too much coffee and lettuce today...makes for an unstable combination.

actually, i wasn't dreaming about what position i wanted to have sex in.. i was deciding...

love my mornings :D
Every year the family has a pumpkin carving party at my house, two years ago I started going to the produce auction and buying pumpkins so the family didn't have to bring any (unless they wanted to). I bought 56 pumpkins this morning for $2.80 hahaha SCORE lol
Every year the family has a pumpkin carving party at my house, two years ago I started going to the produce auction and buying pumpkins so the family didn't have to bring any (unless they wanted to). I bought 56 pumpkins this morning for $2.80 hahaha SCORE lol

And that's why living in bumblefuck NY and CT has it's benefits...we can buy cheap ass pumpkins :D