Funny story about that jack actually.
A few months ago I was under there doing something, something brake related.
I had the vehicle up on just the jack while I got the tire off.
I'm not worried about it crashing down because the vehicle is high enough so that even if it did, nothing could happen unless you were literally under the point where it contacted the ground.
Anyway, I get done with the brakes and I have to bleed them.
No biggie, bust out the bleeder kit and go to town.
All goes well and I decide it's time to turn the thing on to see if I'm getting any leaks.
Now, my parking brake doesn't work with the larger tires so I have to park it in 1st gear, usually 4-low when working on it.
I can imagine you know where this is going.
I hit the starter and the Jeep fires up more quickly than it ever has in the past.
It lurches forward and BOOM I hear it fall off the jack.
Shit! I run around to the other side as the Jeep is barreling towards the cinder block garage!
OH NOES, I turn that key off as quickly as I can and the Jeep comes to rest within a foot of taking out the garage.
IF that Jeep had gone much further it would have knocked the cinder block wall down into my Chevelle!
Ugh, I was almost sick. How stupid could I be.
OK no worries, Jeep is off and the immanent danger has passed.
I went to reverse the thing to get it back into position away from the garage and it's not moving anywhere.
WTF? I'm thinking.
I hop out and check under the vehicle to see what's up.
That's when I see it.
Not only did I almost take out the garage, my Chevelle and the Jeep itself but now I've also ran over my jack.
I couldn't do this again if I tried.
The jack had somehow flipped on end driving the wheels into the ground and the backside up against the frame of my Jeep. The jack was extended and the lever arm was making a tripod with the ground. The jack was at a perfect 90* angle to the ground and space evenly enough so that both wheels on that side were off the ground.I couldn't drive anywhere because my differentials are open on each end, one tire in the air and you're not going anywhere.
"Well, at least it doesn't look damaged, I'll just grab my jack and.... oh...."
Yea, that was fun.