Do you think one of them is using gear pt. 2

OK, Time for the gym, Later
I'd have to take your man card from you if you wore them to the gym. RIGHT?! Why not just go barefoot? What support are those flops givin you that barefoot doesn't? I think it would actually be safer barefoot.

I'd only pretend not to enjoy it :)

LMAO! I was at my friend's apartment one time and there's this like 100 year old lady that lives there, super sweet. Anyways, we were chattin her up a bit and somehow got on the topic of her waiting for the UPS guy. She referred to him as the ups man... like sit ups. Not u-p-s. It was hilarious.
I'm pretty sure bare foot would be safer! I can't imagine slipping due to foot sweat with 500lbs on my shoulders. That would be VERY bad.

I do appreciate the feigning of terror. Makes the whole rape thing more satisfying. :D

LOL "ups" guy. I used to work in shipping, so we always picked on the UPS guy as they had far better working conditions and typically made more than us. So we called them u-pussie-s. Good times.
I haven't heard that song in yeaaaars! Totally youtubing it right now lol.
No I thought you meant that yolo song

I like many different kinds of music from classical to gangsta rap and much in between; but I can't say I have any Drake stuff. The wife on the other hand... ughhhhhh.
Man that sucks! Austin has so much great info, I learned ALOT from him in a short amount of time, and he seemed to always have an answer for any question that anyone asked
Man, horrible training session today. Just not feelin it for some reason... didn't even get through my cleans, form was shit on squats and bench... FUCK lol.