Doc has me on 1mg Arimadex ED


New member
2 weeks into my test e only cycle I went and saw a doctor, there was word that he actually helps with AAS use instead of freaking out like most doctors. Anyway I got my bloods done, which I will go check out with my next appointment (4 weeks away, he is always booked out) and see what's up. He was pretty cool with it all but what I want to know is, why has he dosed me on 1mg arim a day? While info on the web tells me .5mg EOD should be enough. Even though I'm a user now, I still want to do it as healthy as possible, and I know test + arim can be bad for cholesterol.

I am now on week 6, Test E 250mg Monday and Thurs
Will go for 12 before coming off;

Doc also said he prescribes HCG and clomid for pct

I'm prone to gyno, turns out I had some starting in my right nipple and I was only on week 2, so I'm a little worried about that. But for now I am just having 1mg arimadex EOD, thoughts?
2 weeks into my test e only cycle I went and saw a doctor, there was word that he actually helps with AAS use instead of freaking out like most doctors. Anyway I got my bloods done, which I will go check out with my next appointment (4 weeks away, he is always booked out) and see what's up. He was pretty cool with it all but what I want to know is, why has he dosed me on 1mg arim a day? While info on the web tells me .5mg EOD should be enough. Even though I'm a user now, I still want to do it as healthy as possible, and I know test + arim can be bad for cholesterol.

I am now on week 6, Test E 250mg Monday and Thurs
Will go for 12 before coming off;

Doc also said he prescribes HCG and clomid for pct

I'm prone to gyno, turns out I had some starting in my right nipple and I was only on week 2, so I'm a little worried about that. But for now I am just having 1mg arimadex EOD, thoughts?

Well the bold statement may not be true. Sounds like he is trying to harm you rather than help you. Unless you are very fat, that is most likely way too much adex. And hCG has no place in PCT. Yet no nolva for PCT? And he didn't give you anything to treat your gyno?

Sounds like malpractice. Why didn't you challenge him on this stuff?
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AI 0.25mg eod and if needed up to 0.5mg eod. 1mg is too much IMO

use HCG leading up to but not into pct. and pct use nolva and/or clomid, i rec combo of both for 4-5 weeks as pct
2 weeks into my test e only cycle I went and saw a doctor, there was word that he actually helps with AAS use instead of freaking out like most doctors. Anyway I got my bloods done, which I will go check out with my next appointment (4 weeks away, he is always booked out) and see what's up. He was pretty cool with it all but what I want to know is, why has he dosed me on 1mg arim a day? While info on the web tells me .5mg EOD should be enough. Even though I'm a user now, I still want to do it as healthy as possible, and I know test + arim can be bad for cholesterol.

I am now on week 6, Test E 250mg Monday and Thurs
Will go for 12 before coming off;

Doc also said he prescribes HCG and clomid for pct

I'm prone to gyno, turns out I had some starting in my right nipple and I was only on week 2, so I'm a little worried about that. But for now I am just having 1mg arimadex EOD, thoughts?

That is 4 times as much as I would use. I would use less and not mention it. Stock up.
"Hey doc! I'm going to shoot up some heroin, don't suppose you could give me some laxatives and electrolytes to make it smoother, eh?"

Yes, in the eyes of the law, that's what you did OP. It's not right that they're classified that way, but that is how it is in the US. Doesn't help that he's clueless. :doh:
My gp asks me question s when he make s a foray into trt..usually cuz older dude s got e d..

I m not saying I m an expert but as a user he know s I can tweak my bloods. I respect him for that..any one for that matter who acknowledges someone else may know sumpin.

OP...I run trt 150...I run trt plus OFTEN..which mean s 50 prop- 50 tren m w f..yes steroids CAN CAUSE cholesterol level s to rise.. But I m o it s more of a
1 genetic pre disposition
2 eating right, lifestyle if u will ( aging promote s dying...u see ? Chill)
My total cholesterol has never, ever been over 174 and I smoke 4-6 cig s a day and eat whatever sounds good...fried shrimp, sausage at lunch..and just DESTROYED 2 RACK S OF BABYBACK S AND WILL EAT ICE CREAM AFTER I SMOKE.
But that s me. Skinny dude on the leftt.

The difference between god, lawyers doctors and f k n LE..... god know s he s not a lawyer, doctor or f kn LE.

U gotta figger out your body. How and what does what to what number on ur BW and how to run compounds that ll keep u as safe as u can. My hdl/ldl ratio s been skewed since I was a soccer phenom. Don t be an alarmist...just cuz a number skews it can be fixed even if as a last result by stopping AAS. And the doc s gonna tweak and tell u to come back cuz he s got a mortgage and a gf on the side. My gp swap s em , gf s at 5-6 years to avoid 7 yr common law b/s. See how smart he is.. ???

Get a 2 and 3 rd opinion. Or like advised...take less. If ur gyno prone....u gotta address it or cut it out. I went with cutting em out. Cake procedure.
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Thanks for the replies! What I was hoping for, getting others opinions on it. I am fine with taking less, but I am just unsure of how to cut a 1mg pill without crushing it. I'm researching it now, but bro they are SO small it's like surgery to cut it seems
Thanks for the replies! What I was hoping for, getting others opinions on it. I am fine with taking less, but I am just unsure of how to cut a 1mg pill without crushing it. I'm researching it now, but bro they are SO small it's like surgery to cut it seems

google "pill splitter" there are many that might help. also getting dex from RUI would mean you could dose very small in oral syring and not need to split anything up, why i like their letro.
ever tried to split a tiny TINY 2.5mg letro pill? me ex walked in and almost freaking thinking it was drugs because i ended up with mostly little tiny piles of white powder on a cd case where i was trying to split it into 8! and then i just had to do it by eye, what a pain in the butt, never again!