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I have got to go to the doctor. I got another headache today and I can't see when I get them,it's like when you take a picture and you see the flash for well after you took a picture. It makes me feel sick and it hurts like holy hell. The doctors I went to a long time ago didn't care and told me it was just growing pains. I doubt it's juice related but it could be. I have been taking test and EQ. I haven't gotten them since I was 18 but lately I am getting them weekly and I have to call out of work. Any ideas? I would almost kill myself when I get these they hurt so bad.
you really think that is causing it? I used to get them at 18 years old so that always led me to believe it wasn't BP.
Possible migraines which the gear could be exacerbating. They have new meds now, you can take a shot as they are coming on.
I was reading up on them and it said diet and hormone fluctuations can be the cause of headaches which would make sense as to why I got them so much when I was a teenager. Feverfew was said to help and ginger so I will have to give those a try. I didn't get these headaches until I started juicin and I took my last shot last week which is when I got my first headache. I reallt think me and the juice are just not meant to be. Each day I up my calories I actually lose weight,lol. Fucking amazing.
Ifrit said:
I was reading up on them and it said diet and hormone fluctuations can be the cause of headaches which would make sense as to why I got them so much when I was a teenager. Feverfew was said to help and ginger so I will have to give those a try. I didn't get these headaches until I started juicin and I took my last shot last week which is when I got my first headache. I reallt think me and the juice are just not meant to be. Each day I up my calories I actually lose weight,lol. Fucking amazing.
I think it's just a matter of finding out which drugs work the best overall for your body, and once you find out, then stick to that. Some people just don't do good with certain drugs.
I skipped my workout today,boy do I feel like a fat piece of shit. I haven't missed a workout in two years. This headache sucked the life out of me. I only ate 1,000 calories today, I can't eat I tried but it won't go down. I hope tommorow things go better.
Could be migraine if you get an "aura" before the actual headache occurs. Could be cluster headache--all these are vascular in nature and treated with meds.
Yeah i get migraines all the time. I also get them like you described (from a flash) I also get them sometimes when i go from a fairly dark lighting out into the bright sunshine. I can always tell when they are coming on....First i get kind of "blind" in my peripheral vision then once that goes away i feel fine for a few mins then the migrane kicks in which of course is followed by the sickness. I have talked with Doctors, eye Doctors, etc. and i dont care to get on full time meds for em so i just carry some Excedrin Migraine at all times. If i feel the "Aura" or get the peripheral blindness....I start poppin.
My wife takes "Imitrex" for migraines , it's Doctor prescribed though. Ask your Doc over the phone and see if he can call it in for you.
Good Luck Bro
I would suspect blood pressure too but being that I had the headaches when I was 12 I highly doubt it is blood pressure related because I was very active and in good shape when I was 12 yet I got them anyway. We'll see though.
Just go to walmart, they have a tester at most pharmacies...Its free so why not. BP does not really cause migraines, but will cause temporary loss of sight. If its bp that is causing the blindness you are in serious trouble as you are one step away from a burst vein in your eye which causes permanent sight distortion.
IF the headaches are right in the front part of your head then you get the same as me.They went way back from when I was a kid.I would actually vomit from them they were so bad. I have high blood pressure. that would help explain the vision.But narrow angle glacoma will cause blurred vision on stuff like ephedra.