does any body think 3.5 % body fat is hard to attain?


New member
Just wondering if it is a near impossible feat for most? or can anybody with a little hard work get there?

I think I am getting close, If I can get my web cam going I will try to post some pics..
according to the calipers I am around 3.5 - 4%. don't know how accurate that is though.....
I think it depends on your genetics,some people are naturally lean and would have no problem getting that lean,and for others,it would be impossible.
r3ver3nd said:
I bet my life that I couldn't get there.

I bet it's probably impossibe for a lot of the population without the use of anti-estrogens.
is it impossible "YES". The male body needs about 4% bodyfat to maintain life. The only fat left at 4% is in the spinal cord and a few other places.

Skin calipers while accurate, are not perfect and results that low are wrong. The calculations were not developed to measure that low accurately.

And if snake is at 3.5 - 4% on a skin caliper it would be very hard to maintain that bodyfat for more than a few weeks.
like I said I measured on the calipers, so there may be inacuracy in the way I measure and also in the calipers themselves.....

and it would be hard to maintain, for example, I just went on a ski trip and did a little to much partying..... so I feel like I blew up a little cause my diet was not very strict, I mean it was brutal since I ate at mcdonalds like ten times in that time frame...
I had somebody try to tell me that they were minus something percent bodyfat when they were in high school. WTF ?????? This person's mom was obviously his sister, so that must explain it lol!
You're probably getting an inaccurate read on your calipers as 4% is pretty much impossible to attain.
But I would like to see pics:)