does igf cause vascularity?


New member
I have been taking igf 1lr3 for about 3 weeks and des for about a week now and since starting I have noticed A LOT more vascularity. Is this caused from the igf or is it another unknown factor that I'm not considering? I hope it's from the igf because i'm prolly gonna take this off and on forever. Thanks for any input
well, that's my 4th week on igf des, and i can say that day after day i'm seeing more veins popping under my skin that i haven't seen before, even when i was on AAS!
Those are two very good products for vascularity in your test animals.

The des is incredibly responsive for this.
I have been taking igf 1lr3 for about 3 weeks and des for about a week now and since starting I have noticed A LOT more vascularity. Is this caused from the igf or is it another unknown factor that I'm not considering? I hope it's from the igf because i'm prolly gonna take this off and on forever. Thanks for any input
Yes I have noticed considerable increases in vascularity while using DES - especially across my chest, which is somewhere I've never really had any.

User - what do you mean you don't have to cycle DES? Was this recently discussed and I missed it? Sorry I've been traveling.
I didn't know either, I thought you did have to cycle it but osta marketing said that DES can be used on a continuous basis.
It really helps keep you lean also!

I eat what I want and when I want and the pants are still fitting nice and loose. This is also with minimal gym time due to my injury.

Veins popping out of my forearms and biceps, I love this stuff!
I didn't know either, I thought you did have to cycle it but osta marketing said that DES can be used on a continuous basis.

Interesting. OM is this due to the short half-life of DES once injected? Can you point me towards some info or enlighten me?

I didn't know either, I thought you did have to cycle it but osta marketing said that DES can be used on a continuous basis.

Knowing O-M he probably keeps his research animal on DES. :santa:

Any of you guys ever see his research chimp? we have hamsters, mice. I think Balboa has a ground hog but leave it to O-M to upstage us all with a chimp!

Personally I've been doing canine trials lately - the dog on the right uses DES, the dog on the left Cell Tech. :D

Haha my stomach hurts from laughing at these pics! Well it looks like I better stock up on des cuz I'm never coming off that shit! We need to talk Osta into offering a good bulk discount for his next sale.
Haha my stomach hurts from laughing at these pics! Well it looks like I better stock up on des cuz I'm never coming off that shit! We need to talk Osta into offering a good bulk discount for his next sale.

I would hold off on staying on DES without cycling it until at least we get an explanation on why it is ok to do.

As a matter of fact why don't you start a thread with that title and see what the guys have to say. They may be missing this thread here.