does my cycle look goood to gooo?


New member
Hey guys about to start a cycle 25 y/o 5 foor 11 200 lbs 9% bf hows she look?

Test E 250mg twice a week for 12 weeks
TBOL Week 1-4 50mg maybe up to 75

Pct nolva and clomid need help with the dosage on theses

Thanks guys
It's not really a question of if you need HCG. You definitely need it. If you don't understand what it's being implemented for, or you arent noticing its one of the first things a vet asks you about.. I would suggest reading up about what it does for you, and why it's so crucial. We aren't just using it for sake of our testicular size.

If your stats are correct, which would be pretty fantastic actually.. you are more than okay to run Test/TBOL together. But, without knowledge on dosages of PCT ancillaries, and lack of HCG I would recommend just waiting it out until you have a firm grasp on these basic concepts.

How about your last cycles pre/mid/post bloodworks? Did you just use a guide or did you actually monitor all of the important functions? How's your RBC now? Cholesterol? Blood pressure? Total and Free Test? Estradiol? LH/FSH? Prolactin?

And finally, how long has it been since your last cycle, how long was it, and what PCT did you run then?

You'll be set to go when all of these are well and in order. Don't rush it.. if you don't have everything right this second, waiting a few months now is better than shaving off a few months or years of your life!
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