Does my gear look legit to you guys?

Toss it, putting non-sterile gear in your body can have severe consequences. I'd be very careful trusting sources that have yet to prove they are trustworthy.
Is my gear real?

clear is supposed to be test and gold is supposed to be tren.

Could someone give me a hunch opinion on the gear?I dont want to be injecting motor oil lol

Looks like someone is brewing for a hobby. I expected to see eurogear where the counterfeit often has better packaging and labels than legit. If you do use it you had better filter it with a 22.5 nm filter. For all you know it may not have even been filtered. Unless I knew the guy it came from well and trusted him, I would toss it and chalk it up as a loss.
Since I started back I've used 1 ugl that was ok at first then went to crap then gave everybody that stuck with them the shaft and relabeled . It was my first source that I found when I found this and other boards . That being said I quickly learned who to watch and saw what labs they used then further narrowed it to one or two guys that seemed to know the most . As I gained some knowledge (still a long way to go) I was paying attention to blood work but realized even that is inaccurate with lack of protocol or to many different protocols . Reviews help and pics usually don't lie as long as the person is seemingly trustworthy . If possible I look for chromatography reports and even better if they are unsolicited reports . The problem is it is expensive and most won't spring for it . Just a few pointers on how I found my current ugl . In the end only risk what you are willing to lose.
Lol those oils look super sketchy! But back in the day when I was younger I would have said fuck it and used it probably.

I had just taken a sip of my 7-Up when I read this and almost spewed soda all over my screen. Yes now we have the voice of reason and forums like these to get feedback and help from great mods like you.
If you trust your source, you're fine. I'll pin shit out of a milk carton if I trust the guys. But the fact that you're here says you don't necessarily trust them.

My .02c :)

and again, damn you guys crack me up. Good advice too!