Does Nandrolone make you hungry?


I am banned!
Just started my test/deca blast last week (with NPP kickstart) and my appetite has never been this high.

I love it; sometimes I can have a hard time bulking.
Uhhhh, I'm on nandrolone year-round and haven't really noticed additional hunger. I'd imagine that if you're bulking and training with serious intensity, your body is going to scream for calories.

But then again, I've never really had a problem stuffing food down my pie hole. Except for when on really toxic shit; but that's a whole other thread entirely. :spin:
Uhhhh, I'm on nandrolone year-round and haven't really noticed additional hunger. I'd imagine that if you're bulking and training with serious intensity, your body is going to scream for calories.

But then again, I've never really had a problem stuffing food down my pie hole. Except for when on really toxic shit; but that's a whole other thread entirely. :spin:

Isn't nandrolone year-round a recipe for LVH?
Being male alone is an increased risk for LVH. But to answer your question, I titrate down for TRT at 200mg/wk, which is safe for therapeutic benefits. :)

If my memory serves me right, resistance training and anaerboic (cardio) has shown to do this?

I remember a study of Nandrolone being "10x" worse mg per mg than Testosterone in regards to some cardiovascular event... Never stopped me from running it for lengthy periods at cruise doses (125-300mg long term or when cruising with a bit of test at equipotent doses is where I would be drawing the line).

In terms of Nandrolone and increased appetite, some do some don't but more often than not people report increased hunger on Nandrolone but IMO Test, Nandro and EQ willl all if anything increase appetite, I'm running 375mg per week of Test/EQ so like just under 200mg of each and I noticed that after about 5 weeks of running EQ even at that low dosage my appetite is starting to get ferocious.

Then again, my RBC/Vasculairty is slowly commng up as I haven't had a blood dump/donation for 4 months now... So the increase in appetite could be via the increased RBC mechanism.

Tren on the other hand... Good cutter considering most loose their appetite on it as do some with certain orals.
Just started my test/deca blast last week (with NPP kickstart) and my appetite has never been this high.

I love it; sometimes I can have a hard time bulking.

never had this issue when running deca at 250mg/wk during TRT or at 1g levels.

If my memory serves me right, resistance training and anaerboic (cardio) has shown to do this?

I remember a study of Nandrolone being "10x" worse mg per mg than Testosterone in regards to some cardiovascular event... Never stopped me from running it for lengthy periods at cruise doses (125-300mg long term or when cruising with a bit of test at equipotent doses is where I would be drawing the line).

In terms of Nandrolone and increased appetite, some do some don't but more often than not people report increased hunger on Nandrolone but IMO Test, Nandro and EQ willl all if anything increase appetite, I'm running 375mg per week of Test/EQ so like just under 200mg of each and I noticed that after about 5 weeks of running EQ even at that low dosage my appetite is starting to get ferocious.

Then again, my RBC/Vasculairty is slowly commng up as I haven't had a blood dump/donation for 4 months now... So the increase in appetite could be via the increased RBC mechanism.

Tren on the other hand... Good cutter considering most loose their appetite on it as do some with certain orals.

reason I like primo for TRT, as well as deca. Usually do 250 test / 250 deca or 250 test / 400 primo
If my memory serves me right, resistance training and anaerboic (cardio) has shown to do this?

I remember a study of Nandrolone being "10x" worse mg per mg than Testosterone in regards to some cardiovascular event... Never stopped me from running it for lengthy periods at cruise doses (125-300mg long term or when cruising with a bit of test at equipotent doses is where I would be drawing the line).

In terms of Nandrolone and increased appetite, some do some don't but more often than not people report increased hunger on Nandrolone but IMO Test, Nandro and EQ willl all if anything increase appetite, I'm running 375mg per week of Test/EQ so like just under 200mg of each and I noticed that after about 5 weeks of running EQ even at that low dosage my appetite is starting to get ferocious.

Then again, my RBC/Vasculairty is slowly commng up as I haven't had a blood dump/donation for 4 months now... So the increase in appetite could be via the increased RBC mechanism.

Tren on the other hand... Good cutter considering most loose their appetite on it as do some with certain orals.

Yes, those are both contributing factors, although the problem is that most studies use correlation to try to prove causation. (X number of people have LVH already and happen to report resistance training and often are athletes. )

Smoking is actually the biggest risk factor from what I remember, followed by our friend high blood pressure.

All in all though, the statistics at this point really just give us an indication that the left ventricle does enlarge due to additional strain. Exactly what the percentage increase is, and just how much of an impact these variables carry, remains to be seen. Just like everything else in this lifestyle, genetics play the biggest role. :)

TL;DR: We really don't know much more than smokers and folks with chronic hypertension that happen to be male are at a significant risk. But just what that risk is in number terms isn't exactly known. :p

Great post though Staunched. :)
Yeah Nandrolone at low doses is a great addition to a cruise... Doesn't take much to reap the benefits it provides at low doses!

Halfwit I agree, in all honesty I think smoking is FAR more detrimental to health than steroids (fact is they have the potential, but is blown out of proportion thanks to the media and the severe lack of knowledge surrounding the idiots that choose to abuse or not look into things for their own opinion!).

Genetics plays a major role IMO, but steroids themsleves can't always be to blame when health issues arise or even death occurs. It is a known fact that there are steroid users who use more than just steroids... Opiates seem to be a big one that's abused, amphetamines and steroids are a cardiovascular catastrophy waiting to happen (how I survived through that shit, was it the Cialis, was it genetics, was it sheer luck...), Frank Zane IIRC was big on amphetamines abuse and suffered addiction problems, whether that contributed to his death who knows? Was it the amps? Was it the roids? Was it genetics? Food for thought...

Anyway I digress... On the original topic, they say EQ does increase appetite but in reality it could be the same as Test and Nandrolone... The shift from normal to supraphysiological levels of an Androgen is more than likely going to jack your appetite up in most cases :) Enjoy it to your advantage my friend!
Have some deca waiting for me along with NPP kick start and DBol for the long winter months. Been hearing a lot of good things about Deca and it will be my first time very running it. Excited! Gonna take it easy this time around though. None of that 700+mg a week stuff.
Have some deca waiting for me along with NPP kick start and DBol for the long winter months. Been hearing a lot of good things about Deca and it will be my first time very running it. Excited! Gonna take it easy this time around though. None of that 700+mg a week stuff.

Im on 600mg deca and 500mg test. Its fucking awesome already bro. I can tell I will gain some serious size in the coming 16 weeks. Plus my joints feel incredible. No dick issues (have prami tho)

I only recommend it if you blast and cruise though.
I'm planning on doing 500deca 500 test for 15 weeks but using NPP 300mg, 40mg DBol a week for first 4 Week for kick start. it's my first time with Deca and NPP hope it goes well because I been using Tren for a while. For the experienced Tren user like me will these ratios be good or will I be disappointed ?
I'm planning on doing 500deca 500 test for 15 weeks but using NPP 300mg, 40mg DBol a week for first 4 Week for kick start. it's my first time with Deca and NPP hope it goes well because I been using Tren for a while. For the experienced Tren user like me will these ratios be good or will I be disappointed ?

Did u aready do your photo shoot E?? I forgot when u said it was. U prolly gonna bulk up some on this blast from the low single digit bf% u were/are at.
Yes I did, sent the pic to 3J but I wish I could post it here but I can't, it has my sponsors brand name on it. It went great! Yeah I hope I bulk up very nicely with that blast but I'm used to bulking up on Tren. You know gains are somewhat slow but quality when on Tren. Hope I get quality on deca too. I'm already bulking up bro, so when I hop on deca I'll be already 8 weeks into my bulk eating high cals. It's like putting my bulk on overdrive than what it already is
I'm planning on doing 500deca 500 test for 15 weeks but using NPP 300mg, 40mg DBol a week for first 4 Week for kick start. it's my first time with Deca and NPP hope it goes well because I been using Tren for a while. For the experienced Tren user like me will these ratios be good or will I be disappointed ?

I'd bump the NPP up to 150 mg EOD for the first 5 weeks .. you'll need to really really dial in your AI for those first 5 weeks as well with the Dbol . its a totally different beast then running Tren, your estrogen can spike crazy over night (you may need to run both an AI like arimidex AND Letro for the first 4 weeks or so).
but other then the crazy estrogen spike that can happen .. I think you'd be extremely happy with a test/deca/npp/dbol cycle. by week 8 you'll feel swole and and strong as hell .. and you won't have near the anxiety and restlessness that you get with Tren (at least thats me).
should be a great bulk for you!
I'd bump the NPP up to 150 mg EOD for the first 5 weeks .. you'll need to really really dial in your AI for those first 5 weeks as well with the Dbol . its a totally different beast then running Tren, your estrogen can spike crazy over night (you may need to run both an AI like arimidex AND Letro for the first 4 weeks or so).
but other then the crazy estrogen spike that can happen .. I think you'd be extremely happy with a test/deca/npp/dbol cycle. by week 8 you'll feel swole and and strong as hell .. and you won't have near the anxiety and restlessness that you get with Tren (at least thats me).
should be a great bulk for you!

Thanks for the input Roush, I'll definitely dial in that AI and get some Brand new Letro and Adex. As always, I have prami ready too. This will be a new cycle for me, excited I am.
Well Deca isn't like Tren in terms of sheer fat burning and lean muscle gain, in terms of quality yes Deca will allow you to slap on some solid mass but expect water weight...

Deca does shine big time with the right diet and I don't give a shit what anyone says, high doses of Deca have potential. Anyone who has run beyond the 750mg mark of Deca will be able to vouch for that ;)