Does this cruise look ok, is having EQ on a cruise a good idea? (1st time cruiser)


New member
Age: 30
height 6'1
weight: 176
bf: 8%

I've done a couple of cycles in the past (anavar only) but decided that cycles are not for me since I don't like dealing with the emotional roller-coaster of PCT or losing all of my gains within months.

I've decided to go on a cruise for life, basically self-administered TRT

I have heard good things about EQ and would like to have it in my cruise, will this be ok as long as I donate blood let's say twice a month to keep my rbc under control? And if not, do I still need to donate blood regularly if just on test e to keep my rbc under control?

I was thinking of doing something like this:
100mg test e per week
100mg eq per week
25mg Aromasin EOD OR 25mg Adex EOD (which is better?)

Alternatively if convinced that cruising on eq is a bad idea:

200mg test e per week
25mg Aromasin EOD OR 25mg Adex EOD (again which is better?)
First of all, thank you for your reply :)

I don't think I ever will blast since cruising itself I believe will give me the results I want. The reason I want to include eq is because of I heard its good for building muscle just like test but with a lower risk of sides like accelerated hair-loss (which as far as I'm aware I'm not prone to but I'd rather be safe) and gyno (which I HAVE had during puberty in mild form). Is there any concern of having eq if like I mentioned I'm going to be donating blood regularly or am I still at risk of having health complications associated with eq regardless?
First of all, thank you for your reply

I don't think I ever will blast since cruising itself I believe will give me the results I want. The reason I want to include eq is because of I heard its good for building muscle just like test but with a lower risk of sides like accelerated hair-loss (which as far as I'm aware I'm not prone to but I'd rather be safe) and gyno (which I HAVE had during puberty in mild form). Is there any concern of having eq if like I mentioned I'm going to be donating blood regularly or am I still at risk of having health complications associated with eq regardless?

EDIT: sorry double post
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Do yourself a favor before you start this cockamamie idea of yours: Get a blood panel done and see where you're at first. It's very obvious that you had no idea how to cycle properly to begin with, now you're wanting to shut yourself down FOREVER because of it. testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) isn't a decision to be taken lightly, and if you have healthy levels of testosterone, I don't see why you would want to replace those levels if you don't need to (200mg/wk is a REPLACEMENT dose).

Who knows, you might actually need to be on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and can have it prescribed for you - saving you a lot of frustration and heartache later down the road as it's much easier to travel/vacation with a script than to think of ways to hide your stash for said occasions. If you still insist on doing this on your own without a doctor's supervision, I agree with Metalhead in that test ONLY will be in your better interests for now. By the way, you can't donate blood more than once every 56 days in the US unless you're doing apheresis. ;)

My .02c :)
I know how to cycle but I believe that it is an inferior method of using aas, its more expensive, more side effects, less gains, crashing, impotence, and also a lot of people are shut down after a few cycles anyway. My testosterone is at 15nmol/l which sadly I don't think qualifies me for a legit prescription. testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) doses still give better gains in mass than being natural, doses even lower than my 200mg/wk (but I might increase this to 300mg/wk actually just because an UG lab 300mg is probably in actual fact more like 200-250mg)

I'm from the UK btw, not sure what the laws here are like in terms of donating blood, if it comes to worst I guess I can take my own blood right?
Oral only cycle(s)??? And you decided to "cruise" on self administered testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for life at age 30? Oh my... :(
Listen to Halfwit OP. Halfwit is a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) patient he knows what he's talking about.
If you can't handle feeling like crap during PCT for 2 weeks, you might have a vagina.
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I decided to go without the eq, and go for 250mg test e/week with 25mg Adex EOD

Like I said I don't believe cycling is for me for reasons I mentioned earlier, mainly because I want to keep steady gains all year round. I never felt negative sides from PCT personally but I know a lot of people who cycle and most of the negative side effects they experience occur during post cycle therapy (pct), and also I believe the PCT drugs are more dangerous for one's health than the aas itself.

As for going abroad, I guess I'll just take a double dosage before departing so long as I don't go for longer than 2 weeks I'll be fine, if I absolutely have to go for longer I guess I'll have to resort smuggling gear in my gooch.

I'm also not going to take Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) because I never want to have kids ever and not really bothered by testicular atrophy either.

Thank you all for your input anyway
I decided to go without the eq, and go for 250mg test e/week with 25mg Adex EOD

Like I said I don't believe cycling is for me for reasons I mentioned earlier, mainly because I want to keep steady gains all year round. I never felt negative sides from PCT personally but I know a lot of people who cycle and most of the negative side effects they experience occur during post cycle therapy (pct), and also I believe the PCT drugs are more dangerous for one's health than the aas itself.

As for going abroad, I guess I'll just take a double dosage before departing so long as I don't go for longer than 2 weeks I'll be fine, if I absolutely have to go for longer I guess I'll have to resort smuggling gear in my gooch.

I'm also not going to take Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) because I never want to have kids ever and not really bothered by testicular atrophy either.

Thank you all for your input anyway

Your body man, but you do realize that you can keep gains and still post cycle therapy (pct), right...? PCT drugs have had long term studies reaching beyond the 15 year mark, so I don't know where you're getting the idea that they're dangerous from. Sounds to me like you're trying to justify staying on the juice year-round when you don't need to. Best of luck hiding a vial and syringes in your gooch, I'm sure that'll make for one hell of a Christmas joke at the TSA party that year. ;)

I'm not going to try to convince a grown man what to do with his body, but you need to do more homework before you start this journey. testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), whether it is self-prescribed or legitimate carries with it certain responsibilities. If you can't be bothered to understand these (such as monitoring of hematocrit), you're really going to hate life in the future days to come.

My .02c :)
Hmm, I guess I just believe that I won't experience a lot of side effects due to me being on a low dose and since my natural test production is on the lower end (though not low enough for a prescription), I'm merely just replacing what I lack naturally, or is this a misconception? Also I believe that I'm at my natural genetic limit and everytime I used cycles I cannot hold onto my mass without slightly elevated hormone levels without some sort of bridging method. On the gh15 message board I was told that cycling is basically for the casual noob lifters and to be pro you need to stay on for life.
Hmm, I guess I just believe that I won't experience a lot of side effects due to me being on a low dose and since my natural test production is on the lower end (though not low enough for a prescription), I'm merely just replacing what I lack naturally, or is this a misconception? Also I believe that I'm at my natural genetic limit and everytime I used cycles I cannot hold onto my mass without slightly elevated hormone levels without some sort of bridging method. On the gh15 message board I was told that cycling is basically for the casual noob lifters and to be pro you need to stay on for life.

So you think your going to go pro and your 6'1'' and 176lbs?
Hmm, I guess I just believe that I won't experience a lot of side effects due to me being on a low dose and since my natural test production is on the lower end (though not low enough for a prescription), I'm merely just replacing what I lack naturally, or is this a misconception? Also I believe that I'm at my natural genetic limit and everytime I used cycles I cannot hold onto my mass without slightly elevated hormone levels without some sort of bridging method. On the gh15 message board I was told that cycling is basically for the casual noob lifters and to be pro you need to stay on for life.

I don't think you'll get to PRO level by doing a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose without blasting . I agree with halfwit 100%. If you're going to do this, you need to know every risk involved because what you're wanting to do is for LIFE. That means pinning 2x every week for life, buying ugl gear for life, buying needles, ai's, bloodwork for llife. Its a very heavy choice to make. Just weigh your options because it may be fun now but once that NEW feeling wears off, then what?
Can anyone give me an approximate guideline for how often I should get bloodwork done and is there anything I missed in the list below that I need to check for?

Total Testosterone
Bioavailable Testosterone
Free Testosterone (if Bioavailable T is unavailable)
DHT (perhaps)
Estradiol (sensitive)
Free T3
Free T4
Thyroid Panel
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
Lipid Profile
PSA (age dependent)

I might consider blasting in the future if I believe it will help me achieve my goals. Right now its to be a fake natty fitness model/fitness guru/"natty" bodybuilder
So your whole point of this "cruise" is to become a lie?

Just like everyone else who's successful in the sport and fitness industry. How many of you guys are open about your roid usage anyway? My guess is less than 1% due to either sponsors backing out or just the social stigma attached to it, or it being against the rules in your sport if you're an athlete even though everyone else is doing it, but I digress.
I have one more question, since my natural production of test will drop with time due to both aging and being more and more dependent on the test I inject will it be possible for me to one day transition from self-administered testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) to a legitimate prescription? What protocols would one have to take, for instance would it be sufficient for me to just stop administering testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for let's say 3 weeks before a bloodtest to allow my test to fall back to natural levels and would this be a safe thing to do? Or am I going to be stuck to using UGL gear forever?
I might consider blasting in the future if I believe it will help me achieve my goals. Right now its to be a fake natty fitness model/fitness guru/"natty" bodybuilder

Wannabe zyzz ? You'll just end up like his brother... who ?? exactly.