Does time/volume training serve any real purpose for advanced lifters?


New member
It just seems like a good way of making the best use of your time for those folks trying to maintain but not necessarily increase muscle size.

time/volume training sample:

For working back, I use a 15 minute block of time (this will vary according to bodypart - use less time for smaller parts). If you're doing a free weight exercise, choose a weight you could get about 10 reps with for this technique.

First, start by doing a set of 3 reps. Then stop and rest 10 seconds. Now do another set of 3 reps. Stop and rest 10 seconds.

Keep going using 3 rep sets and 10 seconds rest until you can't get 3 reps anymore. When you hit this point, begin taking 20 SECONDS rest in between your 3 rep sets.

Keep going using 3 rep sets and 20 seconds rest until you again can't get 3 reps anymore. Then take 30 SECONDS rest in between your 3 rep sets. If you have to increase again, go to 40 seconds, and so on.

Keep going in this fashion until your 15 minutes are up.
Meh.... regardless of how long I been on the grind (since 15, I'm almost 40), and I still work on FORUM ,concentration and contracted...With the layout you implimented you're pushing,pulling and grunting with no concrete strategy other than "hard work," IMO you'll just get injured or beat-up...

Basics will always win, and if you do it right none will need much time....

1) Positive - Lifting of the weight
2) Static- Holding of the weight
3) Negative- Lowering of the weight

Add preworkout, Increase intensity and call it a day!
Sounds like a routine u can use as a change up. To take a break from the norm .
I think if implemented on occasion it can be useful. But not as a.daily thing
Just getting in the gym is what is important. If you are getting the results you want you are doing it right.
No offense please but that sounds like a fad.
I pound it out for 60-75 ms 1 big body part 1 small one. 12-15 set s for the big one 9-12 for the other. But I m a maintain daze of being a badass are over.

Glory day s by Springsteen fading out in the back ground..
Good God son you are over thinking this. Really just train as Teut said. I've done so many different routines in my life and different times between wkouts and in the end now I just train.

I used to do a 3 on and 1 off and 3 on... So I was in the gym 1.2 to 2 hrs each day. I did a set my partner did a set. NO timing . If I wasn't ready for another heavy set after him I would wait until ready. there was no time to just take breaks tat aren't needed. 3 maybe 4 exercises per body part.
My .02

All this crap is IMOP just like Teut said some fad, some new shit to make this sound like a science above the science. Don't reinvent the wheel
My strategy is to have no strategy lol. I go all by feel. I mix it up. Super light sets of 30 or more....heavy sets of 5-8, medium sets of 10-15, different grips, different angles blah blah blah. If it feels like it's's probably working....if not, toss that workout for now and find something that better targets the muscle. I put hardly any thought into my training anymore and my results seem to be coming on faster.

Not to mention, your diet will be the biggest factor.
I train high volume my body responds good to high volume, lots of supersets, and drop sets, short rest sets 30 secs to 1 min max for some body parts such as biceps and triceps respond really good to high rep sets and working to failure. I usually shoot for 4 to 6 sets soneyimes up to 8.Everyone is different and I found what works for me