Doing A Clen Cycle


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What's going on All?

I started my clen cycle yesterday. Started at 20mcg and will be working my way up slowly as I gauge the sides that come along. Bought taurine to supp with the clen at 3grams and will ramp it up to 5grams when I increase my dose. I most likely will run for 2 weeks to give it a test drive, but I did pick up some ketotifen if I was looking to run longer. Question I have is should I decide to run longer than 2 weeks, do I start taking the Keto at 1ml ed at the end of week 2/beg. of week 3 for however long I run it, say 4 weeks max?

My diet will be 100% tomorrow, ~2650 cal I think roughly around 300-325grams protein, 160grams carbs (before fiber), and 75 grams of fat.

200lbs 16%
25yrs old

Clen cycle: (dependent on sides while taking)
Day 1 20
Day 2 20
Day 3 40
Day 4 40
Day 5 40
Day 6 60
Day 7 60
Day 8 60
Day 9 80
Day 10 80
Day 11 80
Day 12 100
Day 13 100
Day 14 100
Never used Keto but you won't need the taurine over 3g. I stopped taking it all together this time and just drink a lot of water but this bottle of clen is pure shit. Take the keto b4 bed and you can run the clen up to 6 weeks I think. Infection will chime in shortly I'm sure and he can shed more light on this for you.
Good deal, forgot to add I am stacking HCGenerate, Ancient Strength, Gear, and Need2slin... first time taking ntbm products, so far so good.
I started my cycle today, also. I'm stacking it with T3 doing 100 / 25 for the first week, 100 / 50 2nd week, 125 / 75 3rd week 150 / 100 4th week and then cycling back down the same way.
I would recommend increasing the dosage so that you get more of it into your system early on. If you are slowly increasing it, then you will not optimize the clen in your body. By day 4 or 5 you should get to 100mcg, and then asses your tolerance and ability to handle more sides if you keep increasing the dosage.

Ketotifen does not compete for the beta receptor sites that clenbuterol uses, so they can be used simultaneously. If you find that 100mcg is the best dosage for you, then stay at that for 4-6 weeks, and start the keto after week 2 and run it for about 5 days after you finish the clen. Clen has a long half life, so you can still get benefits from clen for over a week after you take the last dose.

In regards to keto, make sure you plan accordingly for the day after you take it. I would take it like 2-3 hours before bed. I don't know if this happens to everyone, but keto makes it very difficult to wake up, and you will feel groggy for a while in the morning, hence, why I take it a while before bed. Start with 0.5ml every night, then increase to maybe 0.8mL.

One last thing, if you feel like the clen isn't doing as much, or you are not feeling as warm as you initially were, split the dosages between morning, and early afternoon (before lunch). Keep your water intake over 1.25-1.5 gallons, and like mentioned above, a couple grams of taurine for the cramping.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Clen is frickin amazing if you let it do its job. I find that people drop much more fat if they cycle carbs. For example, one day high, and 3 days low. You can go decently low with your calories because clenbuterol is anti-catabolic.

If you have any questions, feel free to hit me up.
Thanks infection,

I will note these changes...I took 40mcg today and there were no sides but light minor shaking in the finger tips, looks like I will ramp it up tomorrow to 60 and see how I feel and if I can handle a bit more will try to take a second dose of 20mcg later during the day. Right now I feel I could take some more.

I'll hit you up if I have any questions... Thanks for the help.
Well I ended up upping to 60 yesterday and 80 today, and really nothing in sides other than the fingers shaking. Just making sure I am getting in the water and taurine and I feel good so far.
Well I ended up upping to 60 yesterday and 80 today, and really nothing in sides other than the fingers shaking. Just making sure I am getting in the water and taurine and I feel good so far.

Does your heart feel like it is pounding about an hour after taking it? Fingers shaking is pretty normal. Definitely take pictures at night before bed. I always looked the driest at night, so take some pics and track your progress. Also, what is your resting heart rate throughout the day? It's good to keep track of that.
My heart doesn't pound luckily but I can tell my heart rate is elevated. I had tested my resting heart rate before clen and it was anywhere from 55-65, after clen it was around 80...will retest that tonight after I settle back down after the gym. I decided to split the dosages because it seems like i can maintain that warm feeling throughout the day that way.
Holy Hell, made it to 100mcg today and lets just say now I felt it. Crazy how there can be such a difference between 80 and 100...not sure if I can do 100 while I am at work...too stressful here to cope with that feeling. However, I am putting my 2 weeks in Friday and will be moving to Cali by the end of the month. So will try to keep the pace until then.
Holy Hell, made it to 100mcg today and lets just say now I felt it. Crazy how there can be such a difference between 80 and 100...not sure if I can do 100 while I am at work...too stressful here to cope with that feeling. However, I am putting my 2 weeks in Friday and will be moving to Cali by the end of the month. So will try to keep the pace until then.

Haha, sounds like you found the sweet spot. When it hits you, it sure is evident. Just keep your water intake up. Enjoy!
Keep an eye on bp mine went really high so I stopped after 2 weeks won't be doing it again
When I checked it was 162/84 I noticed I wasn't feeling good I didn't bother checking bp cuz I wasn't on gear after I saw that I just stopped took a few days to get to normal range
When I checked it was 162/84 I noticed I wasn't feeling good I didn't bother checking bp cuz I wasn't on gear after I saw that I just stopped took a few days to get to normal range

Yeah that is a bit high. I always ease up if my bp goes over 145-150/110+ for more than a few hours. Play it safe homie.
Did u have a bad experience Matty ?

yeah, watched my buddy nearly die from an unexpected heart trauma. No history of ANY heart condition ... 4 weeks of clen and he nearly dies from a pulmonary blood clot directly due to clen use. The stuff is bad and the fat loss is waaaay overrated, like minimal at best and really just dehydrates you, which is bad for just about every system of you body. People who diet/cardio/clen... its the diet and cardio losing bf%. My .02 on the subject.
yeah, watched my buddy nearly die from an unexpected heart trauma. No history of ANY heart condition ... 4 weeks of clen and he nearly dies from a pulmonary blood clot directly due to clen use. The stuff is bad and the fat loss is waaaay overrated, like minimal at best and really just dehydrates you, which is bad for just about every system of you body. People who diet/cardio/clen... its the diet and cardio losing bf%. My .02 on the subject.

Curious...was he taking typical dosages or going way over what is usually recommended?
Also, fyi. My resting heart rate at 100mcg right now is 68... will check my bp when I get home. No sides other than when I stretch I can cramp easier.