doing a little clean bulk blast before my winter shred down


i was cruising on 250mg test cyp for a while and about 2 weeks ago decided to up the dose and throw in some test prop EOD, totaling at around 510mg test a week.

then i found some leftover tren from my last blast and while i promised myself i will never use the stuff again, i decided to trying using a super a low dose of 175mg.

so i'm doing 510mg test a week and 175mg tren ace a week.

i definitely feel and see the tren ace working, but do you think dropping the tren and adding in 50-60mg turinabol ED would be better than 175mg tren? or should i just do all 3.
I'd definitely run all three. don't see a problem with it , Tbol does not aromatize much at all, not going to have issues throwing that in with the tren

or you can do a rotation , with that small amount of tren you can just run the tren at say 60mg on mon, weds, fri. then run the Tbol on the non tren days. that would be very light , but still anabolic and you'd stay anabolic daily
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