donated blood twice in a two week period.


I tried to donate blood because my hematocrit got a little high last blast and with being on trt, I didn't figure it was going to go down without donating. The first time I was told my iron was high at 18.4 so they couldn't take it. My brother is a paramedic and SIL a nurse so I asked him if he could get some equipment to take blood. He didn't have exactly the right stuff so it took a long time and we only took about 3/4 pint.

Then Sunday, two weeks later, I went back to donate. Iron was under limit at 17 so I donated a pint. When I took the bandage off 30 minutes after, it was still slightly bleeding and the vein was swollen. Most likely she blew the vein taking it out. So I hit the gym Monday morning and there's a slight pain doing bench, then a sharp pain at the vein when I went to lift the dumbbells for shoulder press so I stopped. So today I changed my routine amd did legs instead of back, bi's, traps to give the arm a little more rest. No pain, but dang was I fatigued quickly. I only made it 3/4 of the way thru and the legs were shaking and worn out.

I also passed smooth out in bed Monday night while waiting for my wife to come to bed so we could have sex. Passed out to the point, she was talking to me about how upset she was that I wasn't doing her and I never heard a work until she got mad and yelled. Even then, I woke up long enough to say I was asleep and didn't know what she was talking about, then passed out again in between jer sentences which made her more mad. I couldn't come out of the fog until she finally yelled enough that it pissed me off and I yelled back. Then I was awake enough to take care of business and promptly passed out again after.

I assume I just need a couple days recovery and drink enty of fluids, bt thought I'd ask the experts.
U should have hit a different vein, or different arm, blowing out a vein and getting a hematoma sucks and can take weeks to recover. If that vein did blow out u might not want to hit it for a year+, there could be permanent damage.
You're probably fine, I'm assuming you're on the "smaller" side? (under 200lbs) If so, that would explain the fatigue as that's a pretty steep drop in blood volume in a short period of time. If she blew the vein, you WILL know it, as there will be a rather ugly bruise where they took the blood. However, that doesn't rule out them getting a double tap, where they enter two veins on accident - this can cause some pain as you'll have a small hematoma deeper in.

I'd just take it a little easy for the week, and reassess. If it was the red cross, they give you a number to call if you have problems, and they will check you out for free.

I guess this is where I plug platelet apheresis again, as the phlebotomists that work in that section tend to have some seniority and are less likely to make errors like that. That, and you can go weekly, if your HCT is in bad shape and needs to come down ASAP.

My .02c :)