Done Brewin'


New member
Made two batches of Test Enanthate at 250mg/mL with 2% BA, one batch of EQ at 375mg/mL with 2% BA, one batch of test prop at 100mg/mL with 2% BA and 20% BB, and one batch of fina at 100mg/mL with 5% BA and 20% BB (5%BA and 15% BA didn't hold). Everything was easy but the filtering. I fucking hated that. My hands are still shaking.
Thats a lot of brewing all at once. Lot of filtering. Let me know how the 375mg/ml EQ feels. I made a batch @ 400mg/ml myself with the same %ba. I never test shot it so im curious.
i will ad that the tren enan 300 i made is pain free the first day. the second day its a bit sore but no biggy. i did a 1.5ml test shot.
bump the bb up to 20. tren ace is another ficlkle hormone like test cyp.

but hey if its not holding its no big deal. just heat it up everytime till it goes back to solution.

i heat all my gear anyway to make it flow better. esp when using 5ml syringes.
pullinbig said:
bump the bb up to 20. tren ace is another ficlkle hormone like test cyp.

but hey if its not holding its no big deal. just heat it up everytime till it goes back to solution.

i heat all my gear anyway to make it flow better. esp when using 5ml syringes.

Yeah, I added a little more BB to make it 20 and it's holding so far. Just wondering what some ratios you guys have used, guess it goes case by case.
Oh yeah, forgot to add, when I got to the lab the polyethylene glycol turned out to be propylene glycol so I decided to use pure ethanol for my 2g of dbol into 50mL solution. Poured the ethanol in and the solution went clear immediately, still holding and pleasantly surprised. BTW, is carbowax the same thing as peg?
DougoeFre5h said:
Thats a lot of brewing all at once. Lot of filtering. Let me know how the 375mg/ml EQ feels. I made a batch @ 400mg/ml myself with the same %ba. I never test shot it so im curious.

Absolutely painless. Put some in the quad with some test 250 and it wasn't even the least bit sore the next day.
grafix-gnc said:
congrats, where athe pics ;)

I didn't get ahold of my buddy with the digicam. I was focused on making my precious 'research chems' and forgot all about it. But I'm heading downtown with some freak tomorrow night, I'll try to take pics of me turning her out to make up for my shortcomings. Knowing her, she'll be down for pictorial documentation.