Dont be afraid to lift heavy!


New member
I often speak with women who are fearful of lifting more weight because they do not want to get large muscles.

I explain to them that it’s almost impossible for women to gain muscle mass like men can because of the lack of the amount of the sex hormone testosterone that creates this growth of muscle.

Since women do not produce enough testosterone, the likelihood of getting large muscles is virtually impossible. And the benefit of weight lifting far exceeds any chance of gaining a ton of muscle.

Women that you see on TV or in magazines with large, man-like muscles, either use muscle-enhancing substances (steroids) or they naturally produce more testosterone than most women.

It is very difficult for women to grow large muscles.

You must strive to continuously increase your weights lifted over time. Muscle will only grow if it is forced, or coerced, into growing. You force it by lifting progressively heavier weight.

Muscle growth is simply a result of placing demand on your body. When you lift a weight that is heavier than you are used to, your body will start to add muscle to handle the extra demand (weight) you are placing on it. As you continually lift heavier weights over a long period of time, your body will continue to adapt to the additional demand being placed on it, by growing more muscle.

If you continuously lifted the same amounts of weight over time, the body would become used to that weight and new muscle growth would not need to occur. It has no reason to add more muscle because the muscle you currently have can handle the demand. When you start lifting more weight, then your body needs new muscle to handle this additional demand, creating new lean muscle tissue to handle this demand.

Any new and additional muscle growth you achieve will have a direct impact on the number of calories you burn. That is a huge benefit of weight lifting. The more muscle mass you have, the more fat you burn.

So, for long term success in weight loss and fitness, continue to lift progressively heavier weights as you continue on in your program.
Total truth!

So many females are afraid of getting "too big" but it really isn't possible without years of hardcore training, dieting, and AAS use.

I lift as heavy as possible almost every time I work out! Which isn't too heavy, but heavier than the average woman.

To look like any Female IFBB have to do steroids, period. I don't know any natty pros.
go big or go home! haha
what do you bench/ squat?
i max out on bench at 185. i can squat the same, but i know i can go heavier... just haven't tried lately. lately i've been keeping my reps a bit higher on leg days.
I totally agree about lifting heavy, however there're some warnings:

1) Back when I just started lifting, after only 1 year of heavy lifting my muscles weren't exactly big or huge... but somehow I was mistaken for a guy a lot cause I just started to look really boyish all over thats the way my muscles grew LOL
So its not always about the size but other stuff can happen....

2) Be careful, you can get injuried, I hurt my back on squats and do have shoulder impingement and other tendinitis; know what you're doing and use correct form and don't go *too* heavy. Breathe correctly on compound movements (exhale when you're doing max effort part) or you can get very hurt. Also give enough recovery time when going heavy--or u can get tendinitis which is sometimes only can be fixed with surgery or steroid injections.

3) Remember functional fitness. Heavy lifting can aid a lot with it, but don't get stuck in lifting alone zone, go for functional fitness routines, plyometrics, calisthetics, gymnastics, etc.
go big or go home! haha
what do you bench/ squat?
i max out on bench at 185. i can squat the same, but i know i can go heavier... just haven't tried lately. lately i've been keeping my reps a bit higher on leg days.

I dont try to max out a lot but the last time I maxed out on squats with 305 and thats after 15 reps of lower weight.

My upper body is weak, I can do pull ups ut I can only bench like 160 max.

Congrats on the 185!!
I often speak with women who are fearful of lifting more weight because they do not want to get large muscles.

I explain to them that it’s almost impossible for women to gain muscle mass like men can because of the lack of the amount of the sex hormone testosterone that creates this growth of muscle.

Since women do not produce enough testosterone, the likelihood of getting large muscles is virtually impossible. And the benefit of weight lifting far exceeds any chance of gaining a ton of muscle.

Women that you see on TV or in magazines with large, man-like muscles, either use muscle-enhancing substances (steroids) or they naturally produce more testosterone than most women.

It is very difficult for women to grow large muscles.

You must strive to continuously increase your weights lifted over time. Muscle will only grow if it is forced, or coerced, into growing. You force it by lifting progressively heavier weight.

Muscle growth is simply a result of placing demand on your body. When you lift a weight that is heavier than you are used to, your body will start to add muscle to handle the extra demand (weight) you are placing on it. As you continually lift heavier weights over a long period of time, your body will continue to adapt to the additional demand being placed on it, by growing more muscle.

If you continuously lifted the same amounts of weight over time, the body would become used to that weight and new muscle growth would not need to occur. It has no reason to add more muscle because the muscle you currently have can handle the demand. When you start lifting more weight, then your body needs new muscle to handle this additional demand, creating new lean muscle tissue to handle this demand.

Any new and additional muscle growth you achieve will have a direct impact on the number of calories you burn. That is a huge benefit of weight lifting. The more muscle mass you have, the more fat you burn.

So, for long term success in weight loss and fitness, continue to lift progressively heavier weights as you continue on in your program.

Good Read blondie,
I have been telling this to my wife for a while & she has started doing this & is showing improvement.. This is a misconception women have about lifting heavy... women would benefit from lifting heavy !
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Hey Blondie,

I agree with the info u posted... At first I would see other girls at the gym lifting lightweight.. & thought that was the way to go to avoid getting bulky... But just how my hubby said lifting heavier and challanging the muscle works.. I have seen results when I lift heavier, I don't over do it, but I usually lift heavy for my size.
Excellent post Blondie! I have so many newbie clients that tell me all the time, "I just don't want to get huge". lol Don't worry, You won't.
I often speak with women who are fearful of lifting more weight because they do not want to get large muscles.

I explain to them that it’s almost impossible for women to gain muscle mass like men can because of the lack of the amount of the sex hormone testosterone that creates this growth of muscle.

I face the same issue.

There are many myths when it comes to the subject of females and training. In fact, many have the misconception that for a female to lift weights or train seriously she will become like the stereotype Miss Olympia bodybuilder. These myths cause many females to shy away from the training that would create for them the lean, fit, sexy body that they desire.

Which is why I wrote the article Breaking the Myth: "If I lift heavy I'll end up looking like a man"

The Primordial Woman
Excellant post Blondie! Something I need others around me to read!!

I love lifting and love lifting heavy. I try to increase my weight each time in order to build new muscle. My strength amazes me and others around me. Genetically dispostioned with beautiful muscle mass. BUT, Recently, I was told I needed to quit lifting heavy because I was "bulking up". Thought this was a myth?? When I backed off the heavy, my muscles dont feel challenged anymore, hence no new muscle growth. Right? What I lift is comparable to most men. My w/o partner is my bf and at times I'm doing his weight.

I dont want to be bulky BUT LOVE lifting heavy...grrr!

I have bigger legs, but I have used AAS in the past so I doubt they would be this big if I didnt.
You are looking Great Girl !!

U can squat 305 lbs ? wow ! you are a bad a** lol !!
I've only been able to go as far as 260 lbs,
after my back injury I'm only doing 160 :(
I think good legs are also genetics, for some women is easier than others,
U lucky Girl ;)
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Wow. 305! That is awesome. I think the most I've tried is 220...I could barely walk out of the gym after that leg nite. Lol
Wow. 305! That is awesome. I think the most I've tried is 220...I could barely walk out of the gym after that leg nite. Lol

I know, when I used to do 260, I would be so sore the next day, I felt every move I made...
I love to feel that pain.. though :spin: