
My vacation is one week, going to Turky :)

They have som FINE Primo Depo over there Muahhahahaahhaaa!!
I can only dream about bying that shit from my local dealer so i´l bring it home with me.
Its MINE MINE ALL MINE!!!:devil2:

:cool: :gives:
TriVox said:
My vacation is one week, going to Turky :)

They have som FINE Primo Depo over there Muahhahahaahhaaa!!
I can only dream about bying that shit from my local dealer so i´l bring it home with me.
Its MINE MINE ALL MINE!!!:devil2:

:cool: :gives:

Yup, yup...I have heard of the amazing deals on gear that can be found in Turkey. I am lucky my source is like pharmacy...he has everything most all of the time. I also struck gold with a new dr. who will write scrpits for the trick is getting insurance to pick up the tab.

:hitit: :smoker: