Dosage Recommendations for Tren E/ Sustanon (sust) 250/Equipoise (boldnone)

Gettin Results

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Dosage Recommendations for Tren E/ Sust 250/Equipoise (boldnone)

About to run my first Tren E, Sustanon (sust) 250, and EQ cycle. Basically adding the boldnone to the stack not my first run with Tren. Was curious for a good bulk cycle what is a general dosage. Currently pushing 100mg Tren ED with 100mg Test P ED.
Currently pushing? Are you mid cycle? If so, I wouldn't add EQ at this juncture. If you are not mid cycle, eq at 600mg/wk is a good place to start.

Im currently pinning tren a 100mg ED and test p 100mg ED. Im looking to gain more size without gaining water weight EQ is a good stack with this and good for cutting. I think my Test and Tren levels are fine wanted to throw in EQ to make stack stronger. What would you recommended running as a weekly dosage with Tren E/Sust 250/Equipoise?
EQ has a very long acting ester. It is likely that you would realize no benefit for 4-6 weeks. At which point, you would likely be close to the end of your cycle. Therefore, I don't recommend adding EQ at this point.

3-4 months that's enough time for eq!!! I would run eq at aleast 600mg tren e 400mg is a good dose and Sustanon (sust) not sure ur experence level but 750 800mg a week works for me!! If u want eq to hit faster front load it at 1000mg a week for three weeks!!!
3-4 months that's enough time for eq!!! I would run eq at aleast 600mg tren e 400mg is a good dose and Sustanon (sust) not sure ur experence level but 750 800mg a week works for me!! If u want eq to hit faster front load it at 1000mg a week for three weeks!!!

no need to front load if hes going 3=4 more months imo.
ya eq is great, like people said frontload and 4-600mg/week. you can cut the prop or sus with eq, its a great cutter