its definitely good to have it on hand . Prami can have some nasty and harsh side effects for some people, so I would not take it pro-actively with that low of a dose of deca,, but have it just in case prolcatin sides come up
also, be aware that deca is a very very long ester for nandrolone, its takes a good 8 weeks to really kick in, and with that low of a dose, just be aware that you are probably NOT going to feel much of anything and you may think your gear is bunk. You almost need to just bite the bullet and go ahead and run a higher dose like 350-400 to get the effects and know for sure how it works for you. imo, NPP is the best choice to run a nandrolone and see how you react to it (its just fast acting deca), you'll start feeling it kick in in just a couple weeks