dosing suggestions on prami

Try the 2CC in a delt and find out if you can do it - that is really the only way to know. Take note that if you have never pinned delts before you are pinning into virgin muscle and it will be more painful the first time.
150mg Deca!!?? That's not a cycle!

I run 250mg as a medicinal dose for joint relief!

If you're going to run Deca and actually see/learn anything - start with at least 400mg OP...

As long as you keep on top of AI dosing, you shouldn't need Prami - but always best to have it - in case your AI is underdosed/bunk.
150mg Deca!!?? That's not a cycle!

I run 250mg as a medicinal dose for joint relief!

If you're going to run Deca and actually see/learn anything - start with at least 400mg OP...

As long as you keep on top of AI dosing, you shouldn't need Prami - but always best to have it - in case your AI is underdosed/bunk.

yes sir was told that was going to do nothing and said it do 300mg ew. thats how i got into the delt max cc conversation