double dosing too make up for 'missed' dose..megatron please help


New member
Hi made thread the other day re crashed gear....didnt realise i had crystals in the vial and was using crashed gear for a week or so...libido crashed hard.. switched to new vial and felt immediate difference within hours..placebo??...
anyhow i started doing 200mg test prop everyday for last 3-4 days to make up for using the crashed gear..and i feel like crap...low energy and still struggling with low libido..couldnt get through workout at lunchtime...normally feel like nailing anything in a dress but dead as a door nail:-(
I avoided taking the AI for last 3 days but took my dose today thinking high E could be the cause of my woes...dont think my gear is bunk..waiting to see if AI helps.

What the f is going on ...have i used too much test in last 3 days(600mg)?

By the way im 41 and test prop cycle with stane AI.
Hi made thread the other day re crashed gear....didnt realise i had crystals in the vial and was using crashed gear for a week or so...libido crashed hard.. switched to new vial and felt immediate difference within hours..placebo??...
anyhow i started doing 200mg test prop everyday for last 3-4 days to make up for using the crashed gear..and i feel like crap...low energy and still struggling with low libido..couldnt get through workout at lunchtime...normally feel like nailing anything in a dress but dead as a door nail:-(
I avoided taking the AI for last 3 days but took my dose today thinking high E could be the cause of my woes...dont think my gear is bunk..waiting to see if AI helps.

What the f is going on ...have i used too much test in last 3 days(600mg)?

By the way im 41 and test prop cycle with stane AI.

your post is sooooo fucking scattered im going to try my best to help you .. but you do realize there's very knowledgeable members besides megatron right?

1) so prior to switching to this new test prop or whatever, what compound were you using before that you said crashed your libido etc.... also were you using an AI at this time and how much

2) how long as it been since you started this new bottle

3) did you get blood work, if you didn't then theres no way that you can fix this problem... blood work will prove everything.. either you crashed your e2, or its elevated ( both of these feel almost exactly the same so without bloodwork you wont know)--- also bloodwork will show your test levels... to see if it is indeed fake gear...

4) what dose of prop are you on? why are you on prop anyways?

5) it really seems like you dont know what the fuck your doing and your panicing and not thinking rational at all.. i.e.. OMG OMG OMG this isnt working, i swear i was hornier yesterday.ahhhhhhhhhhh then you run to a friends house score a bottle of test prop and pin a shit ton to try and get your levels up... then you fucking decided its a good idea to raise your AI without blood work...

your 41 years old, not 18, please be a mature adult and get blood work and issues like this would be as easy as posting the damn blood work and what your symptoms are and tons of us could help you.

Did you try calling megatron with your watch/walkie-talkie?

thank you for adding absolutely nothing to this thread
You shouldn't have doubled your dose to make up for lost time. All you managed to do was spike your estradiol up which is likely causing the issues you described.
Chicago is right. You don't need to be on any aas at all, as you obviously don't know what you're doing. These things that were started above are things YOY should know long before yoy ever even consider running a cycle.

Just because a gear has crashed doors not mean it no longer works. You're still getting the hormones in you. To fix crashed gear all you need to do it fucking heat it up. Another thing anyone should know that runs aas. I'm blown away at your post. I bet your e2 is through the fucking roof, BUT there is NO way to know without blood work. This is seriously the type of thread I see from teenagers. You're fucking 41.... How have you gone through life without reading abd researching before you do something as serious as a cycle of fucking steroids? ! Christ on a cracker. There is an endless supply of you people.
Thanks for the input megatron - appreciate the only mature answer - cheers. its what i suspected and yes I know i need bloods guys and will get that looked at ASAP.
Thanks for the input megatron - appreciate the only mature answer - cheers. its what i suspected and yes I know i need bloods guys and will get that looked at ASAP.

You're taking it to personal, cause everyone else who responded was trying to help you out as well.
You're taking it to personal, cause everyone else who responded was trying to help you out as well.

Trying to help by being insulting?...there is a better way but I understand this is an internet forum so tough guys everywhere..
In any case my cycle was well planned out ..test p 150mg eod..AI 12.5MG EOD, clomid Nolvadex from RUI for post cycle. Got bloods before cycle.So despite the comments to the contrary it was as well planned as could be...the crashed gear confused me ..thought it was a crack in vial at this makes me guilty of being a fool?? My libido went south and this makes me a cry baby?? Im sure no one enjoys low libido....

I may be inexperienced but certainly no fool...regardless thanks for the input ...have joined up with 3j so hopefully I get some good advice minus the theatrics
Thanks for the input megatron - appreciate the only mature answer - cheers. its what i suspected and yes I know i need bloods guys and will get that looked at ASAP.

everything we said was relevant and true, its obvious you really don't know much about gear and all were doing is trying to help you.. but WTH go ahead and keep doing whatever it is you do and when your a depressed wreck because of your e2 dont come running to the ology asking for our suggestions.

You're taking it to personal, cause everyone else who responded was trying to help you out as well.
hes butthurt because i told the truth in the raw without sugar coating it .... lol and he thinks i'm trying to be tough because its the internet

Trying to help by being insulting?...there is a better way but I understand this is an internet forum so tough guys everywhere..
In any case my cycle was well planned out ..test p 150mg eod..AI 12.5MG EOD, clomid Nolvadex from RUI for post cycle. Got bloods before cycle.So despite the comments to the contrary it was as well planned as could be...the crashed gear confused me ..thought it was a crack in vial at this makes me guilty of being a fool?? My libido went south and this makes me a cry baby?? Im sure no one enjoys low libido....

I may be inexperienced but certainly no fool...regardless thanks for the input ...have joined up with 3j so hopefully I get some good advice minus the theatrics

noone's insulting you bro... your e2 must be out of range getting all emotional and shit on us.... there is no reason for me to try and act tough or bully you, all we are trying to do is help you here at the ology...

now on to comment on what you said... crashed gear confused you? how? either its crashed or the fucking vial broke not to hard to tell..

also you obviously acted impulsively just deciding to front load a bunch of short ester gear? i'd really like to see how anything i stated was taken as an insult...

only thing you need to do is get on cycle bloods to see if your gears legit.. i said that earlier and you responded about precycle bloods for some reason...
Thanks 3j ...look forward to your guidance...wont have made this mistake if I had signed up harm done seem to be levelling out today looking forward to a good workout
I apologize. I did come across a bit rude. There has been an endless line of people making threads about running gear that's out of their league, or bros that are obviously not ready for gear yet they all want that fast, easy summer body and don't want to have to work for it. I shouldn't have taken it out on you, but it gets old quick-especially since the only reason I'm on any forums is to educate and help to prevent people from making poor choices which(as I've said a million times today) perpetuates the cycle of stupidity in regard to aas and to it's illegality and lack of proper research.

With that said,I stand by what I said. You should know all these things long before you ever considered cycling. There is no/zero/nada/nein/nyet/not a single motherfucking excuse not to know these things ESPECIALLY these days with endless information and research study results at your finger tips.

Whatever you do, good luck to you, but if you choose to do things the wrong way then don't come ask for help and get upset over advice merely because it wasn't the advice you wanted to hear.

Thor out, bitches!
I apologize. I did come across a bit rude. There has been an endless line of people making threads about running gear that's out of their league, or bros that are obviously not ready for gear yet they all want that fast, easy summer body and don't want to have to work for it. I shouldn't have taken it out on you, but it gets old quick-especially since the only reason I'm on any forums is to educate and help to prevent people from making poor choices which(as I've said a million times today) perpetuates the cycle of stupidity in regard to aas and to it's illegality and lack of proper research.

With that said,I stand by what I said. You should know all these things long before you ever considered cycling. There is no/zero/nada/nein/nyet/not a single motherfucking excuse not to know these things ESPECIALLY these days with endless information and research study results at your finger tips.

Whatever you do, good luck to you, but if you choose to do things the wrong way then don't come ask for help and get upset over advice merely because it wasn't the advice you wanted to hear.

Thor out, bitches!

i couldn't have said it better my self - downunder this is exactly my reasoning behind everything i say on this board- i am here to help not hurt
Trying to help by being insulting?...there is a better way but I understand this is an internet forum so tough guys everywhere..
In any case my cycle was well planned out ..test p 150mg eod..AI 12.5MG EOD, clomid Nolvadex from RUI for post cycle. Got bloods before cycle.So despite the comments to the contrary it was as well planned as could be...the crashed gear confused me ..thought it was a crack in vial at this makes me guilty of being a fool?? My libido went south and this makes me a cry baby?? Im sure no one enjoys low libido....

I may be inexperienced but certainly no fool...regardless thanks for the input ...have joined up with 3j so hopefully I get some good advice minus the theatrics

Tough love, the ugly truth, honesty.... Call it want you want. You can't come in here with a problem like this and not expect someone to bust your chops a little bit. It's not insult unless you take it as such. Doesn't matter what you post on here you will get some criticism, if you cannot handle criticism maybe you should consider researching without posting... I'm not being rude either just telling you it is what it is, and I'm not telling you to leave ology either so don't get bent outta shape. Sounds like Estrogen to me...
No worries harm all good today ..had a cracking workout:)...and lethargy pretty much gone.
I agree it was naive of me to play catch up ..and can see why this would annoy the more experienced players.