Dr. Crisler on Subcutaneous Injections of Testosterone

Has anyone got practical experience to share about this? It seems he is proposing smaller and more frequent injections and the T itself inhibiting the aromatization process. This is a little confusing to me - what would a hothetical cycle look like with a prescription of 200 mg T cyp per week? Just when you think you are starting to understand some things......
Has anyone got practical experience to share about this? It seems he is proposing smaller and more frequent injections and the T itself inhibiting the aromatization process. This is a little confusing to me - what would a hothetical cycle look like with a prescription of 200 mg T cyp per week? Just when you think you are starting to understand some things......

I know how you feel brother.

I always assumed that injecting into sub c, that you would interact with fat cells, therefore more aroma. He says no though, and some patients bloods back it up.

As he pointed out in the video, it has been around a few years, I think the first I had heard of it was some clinic in canada, they did a study and peak and trough levels stayed within physiological range. They injected like 50mg 2x per week and had T levels around 900.

I know many guys who have tried it, some like it some don't. I remember a year ago or so one of the vets on another board did it for like 6 months and he felt fine, but hated the little nodules that were left behind, maybe he was aspirating though as the doc pointed out.

I can say for sure that this may work for some guys that have already gotten in shape, for those that still have lingering visceral fat from years of low T, it may not work out as well for them. This is simply because studies have shown time and time again, if your not at least peaking into supra range, visceral fat reduction is not reported, and that it takes a stiffer climb to get someone's BMI in check.

So I guess those interested will have to give it a shot :) and see how it works for them.
I take 200 mg per week and have had great success with sub-q. My test has consistently been >1500. I recently switched to IncreasemyT and they said not to fix it if it isn't broke.
Sure any insulin syringe can be used, he suggested using a bigger needle.

The reason, imagine putting your finger of the end of your water hose, it makes the stream come out a lot faster and harder, and this can create some tissue damage, so go as slow as possible.
1.don't queze tissue first
2.Z- tracking helps some people
3.slowly diffuse into the fat
4.no need to aspirate with sub-q

this thread is AWESOME!!
to add "im a hyper excreter so I take a little bit more" that part cracked me up :)

He checks for this by a 24hr urine panel of all hormone levels and compares this to blood levels of the same hormones. Hyper excreters will have a much higher level of T in their urine.

I heard him mention me... The really exotic cases.
It seams like using a needle even that long, will go into the abdominal muscle

This is definitely interesting considering trying this for sure!
How does glute injections using insulin pins sound? I'm guessing the needle length shouldn't be an issue if we could do sub-q injections
I have been doing my shots with slin pins for quite a while now. I have done some sub-q in the fat. However, I mostly use 29g 1/2 inch slin pins and I go in to the muscle with them and shoot. I still like going IM rather than sub-q due to the fact I was getting some nasty bruising from the sub-q and some lumps that took forever to go away. The way I look at it, I have been on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for 2 years now. I didn't want to build up scar tissue. So I use the slin pins to shoot in to my muscle. I am leaner in the delts and quads which is where I shoot and I have had no problems. It is seriously as smooth as butter. As for the video, I would personally back load the slin pin with test so the needle is not as dull. That needle gets so dull going in to that vial. So if you have other needles to draw, then back load.
I was thinking the same thing rip, about back loading

Yeah, with how cheap needles are, I don't see why he didn't back load. But it is not a life or death thing. I just don't like dull needles. Also, I don't like to wait a long time to draw test out of my vial with a slin pin. My test is definitely thicker than the testosterone Crisler has.
I don't think that cost is an issue w/Dr Crisler. But I'm w/you guys I like sharp needles, so I always back load about 4-6 at a time. Also he must have heated that vial. I can barely draw with 23G at room temp when I was going that route.

Very interesting going subq though.

I'm considering Sub Q injections for TRT in the future... seems much easier to do so and only pros with no cons as far as I've seen!
I use Sub Q for TRT with success.

I use a 29 guage half inch insulin needle and inject 56 mg (28 units or 0.28cc) every 4 days. I am new at this (6 months) so I am still experimenting on the dose. That dose seems to keep my trough above 1000 ng/dL (at a body weight of about 150 lbs). I plan to dial it down a little after my next blood test to see if a slightly lower dose is as effective.

The needle does fill slowly. The whole filling process takes about 2 minutes, but I don't mind that. Injections (to iner thigh) are fairly easy and not painful.

That volume does create a small lump that I can feel for a day or 2, but then it disappears. That's not a problem. I have tried as much as 0.5cc and it think 0.5cc is about the max that I would use in a single injection because of lumps and some discomfort at the injection site.

Often there is a slight itching at the injection site for a day or 2, but that is really not a problem either.

Bottom line: Sub Q definitely works. It keeps my Test levels above 1000 ng/dL. It is easy and relatively painless. It avoids my big-needle phobia.