Dragon pharam is garbage


Ultimate Douche
been on it for 9 weeks eth 250, deca 250, and drol I have seen little to any gains on it, or felt any side effects. Also every time i pin this shit it always leaves me in a crippled state, or swells up red.

They havent not replied back to trying to solve my problem :bash:
Several people have asked about feedback on this brand. I'll tell you one thing I don't like about this brand. They don't list the compounds they use in their Sustanon (sust) 350 product. In fact, I got into it with EK over that.

Have you seen the website and the label before you are saying something you dont know about?

it says test blend on the labels

Now that I'm effectively annoyed by the response above, as if to imply I'm some sort of ignorant newbie that doesn't know what he's saying, let me ask you this....Does DP's SUSTANON 350 contain the compounds listed below??? I don't see Test C or E listed as a compound on their SUSTANON labeled product in the link you provided. Shit, I don't see anything listed other than "test blend". What is that supposed to mean? It's a "Test blend" of what exactly? Is there Test D in it? Hey, maybe their "test blend" has TNE in it for all I know. When people buy SUSTANON they typically want what SUSTANON contains or least know what is in it.

Sustanon 250
Chemical Name: (Testosterone Blend)
Drug Class: Injectable Anabolic Steroid
1 milliliter of Sustanon 250 Contains:
30 mgs Testosterone Propionate
60mgs testosterone Phenylpropionate
60mgs testosterone Isocaproate
100mgs testosterone Decanoate -100 mg
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he sent me message 1 ,month ago and never herd from him back its been abt 2 and half months since we started talking, but still its bullshit, i order 1,200 worth, that was big mistake!!!!
you ordered 1200 worth on your first order?? If so then I hope you learned something from this....and I would still get my blood levels checked to give me a better understanding of whats going on.

has your diet been on point?