dream cycle (soon to come true). please read.


New member
YES. Finally im able to go on my planned long term cycle. I would very much appreciate any opinions on what im about to mention. I am 23 yrs old, 5'7....185 pounds with 11.4% fat. I have done two full cycles before consisting of highly androgenic gear...FINA...test.....deca.....dbol......proviron. At the end of it all, I was at 220 pounds.....so very huge for my hight but very bloated at the same time. The bloat was unpleasant and the higher the androgen content, the worse my results were. In any event, I learned tons of things after I made some of the mistakes I made in the 2 cycles. I learned that lowe dosed, and even less harsh gear, when used for a relatively longer periods, give me the best results by far. I am now happy that I can do this following cycle. Notice the low dosages and please tell me if my goals are possible to reach with those doses. Please know that I never ever want to be that big again. I want to be around 200 to 205 (max), but MUCH harder, more ripped, and very minimal water. I learned specific diet and cardio tips, to help me keep bloat off.... here is the plan:

week 1-24> test prop 100mg eod
week 1-12> nandralone phenylprop 75mg eod
week 13-24> Winstrol (winny) depot 75mg ed
week 1-12 or 25> Arimidex 0.5mg eod
week 1-24> Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at 300-500IU every 4 days

I do not want to talk about my post cycle plan since this is not my concern at the time (but believe me it is not neglected!).

*lift 4 times a week, very intense and very heavy with moderate volume.
*Do cardio 2 times a week not on weight lifting days. Jog for 30 to 60minutes a session.
*Eat 6 meals a day....calories will be body weight multiplied in 16 to 18 maximum. High protein, High good fats, moderate carbohydrates. One cheat day per week.
*Jog for 10 to 15 minutes after every lifting session.

Goal: to gain 20 solid pounds of muscle steadily.
: to lose 5-7 pounds of fat steadily or maybe at a specific
time during the cycle (like the last 12 weeks).
:gain new muscle hardness.
: fat want it to be between 7 to 8.5 % maximum

So as you can see. I am not a big fan of sheer size, without caring about bloat and a moon face. I can gain muscle easy, and keeping fat off and even burning fat is not that difficult too....IF I EAT RIGHT. let me put it this way. Before I even touched any gear....I had tons of stretch marks already from gaining muscle. My diet was always not the greatest, during and before cycles. I was eating alot and had a really good diet plan set up, but I crave fast food like no other time when im trying to grow, so good diet was neglected often! Even though I was eating like a pig, I never went over 14% fat, which to me is decent, considering also that I almost never did cardio. Now I am 185 pounds coz I have been off of gear + good food + lifting..... for
7 months now.....I am going to train naturaly for another couple of months, then go on this cycle. I have given u guys these specific details just to give you an idea, and to think with me and see, (atleast based on my history of good gains), if I can achieve my goal. Please assume i have a great diet/cardio/lifting scheduale set up specifically for me. please dont suggest for me to change any of the gear. I love the fact that ive found amazing prices on test prop + Winstrol (winny) and the rare nandralone phenyl and these 3 were always what I wanted to do in a cycle.....So I am going with those 3 gears (have some of them already). And dont worry....the source and his gear are as legit as they get!
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Hey bro,

Well you won't get too much bloat from this cycle and I think you will gain your lbs that you want. The only thing i am concerned with is, why are you 187lbs after you gained 40lbs or up to 220lbs. Were you cutting or did you loose alot of the gains? No flame just want to know. your cycle looks good. I would try to ease back on the cardio, your doing cardio everyday. I would just stick with the 2-3x a week. If your diet is in check the drugs will help you out a lot. Only you know your body so if you can do that much cardio without hindering your gains then that's good. Well good luck bro.
fatchops said:
Hey bro,

Well you won't get too much bloat from this cycle and I think you will gain your lbs that you want. The only thing i am concerned with is, why are you 187lbs after you gained 40lbs or up to 220lbs. Were you cutting or did you loose alot of the gains? No flame just want to know. your cycle looks good. I would try to ease back on the cardio, your doing cardio everyday. I would just stick with the 2-3x a week. If your diet is in check the drugs will help you out a lot. Only you know your body so if you can do that much cardio without hindering your gains then that's good. Well good luck bro.

thanks for the reply. yes I did lose tons of weight (35 pounds).some fat.lots of water.....and precious muscle. Like I said I stayed away from everything for 7 months now......unintentional. I had to leave the iron game for while......had alot more serious things to deal with. So im trying to say that I did not lift during those 7 months. Bro, I went from eating so much food everyday, for months, to eating half a bagle a day........THE WHOLE DAY. If anyone knows how to live with different extremes, it would be me! :( (sad in a way)
Regarding the cardio....well yes you are right, so I agree with you. I should have mentioned though, that the cardio I was planning to do after the workouts will be mild and short, with the intention of just ending the workout differently than how I use to end em. But yes, I do agree that, my gains will be hindered if the cardio was intense....so I will keep the intensity low to moderate. Ofcourse I will drop the post workout cardios as soon as I see gains are being hindered!
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stop trying to raise your post account ha ha j/k bro.

WEll good luck and let me know how this goes for you
bluewizz said:
sorry what i meant to write was Winstrol (winny) from week 13 to 24, not 13 to 14!

DAMN that is gonna rock jeees that is alot of money LOL But hell yeah I wanna see pics before and after. Killler cycle:bigok:
jb160 said:
DAMN that is gonna rock jeees that is alot of money LOL But hell yeah I wanna see pics before and after. Killler cycle:bigok:

Thanks for the motivating words. Yes expensive, if purchased at black market prices, but thankfully my source has great prices. And yes, there will defenitally be some before and after picks for this site.
bluewizz said:
sorry what i meant to write was Winstrol (winny) from week 13 to 24, not 13 to 14!

12 weeks of winny.....your joints won't like you for that one.

I would go for 8 weeks, just for your joints sake, but good luck
Why not get some longer acting esters? Run test eth and Nandrolone decanoate? 24 weeks of Eod injects is going to get old really quick. Why not start the deca and test long acting at week 1 and use the test prop and nandrolone phenylprop until the others have had time to fully kick in?
elijah_123 said:
Why not get some longer acting esters? Run test eth and Nandrolone decanoate? 24 weeks of Eod injects is going to get old really quick. Why not start the deca and test long acting at week 1 and use the test prop and nandrolone phenylprop until the others have had time to fully kick in?

the frequency of injections is not a problem with me, coz Ive been there. There are many reasons why I am using short esters only and will only do that in future cycles too. Its based on my solid belief that short esters are better than long esters for many reasons...one being that shorter esters always have more of the gear in it compared to longer esters......perfect example in deca and nand. phenylprop. You WILL get more nandralone in the short ester product than the deca ester (cant spell it right, so I wont try), comparing mg for mg. But this is NOT the biggest reason at all. The other reasons I am not interested to discuss....but im sure most experienced bros will agree that short esters are better. Just ask yourself this. Do you think you will get better gains if you shoot cypionate at 1000mg per week for 10 weeks, or will gains be better doing 1000mg of test propionate instead?! Even if in the long run.....test is test, but say you are injecting the two substances in the same area......with wich cycle do you think you could get local inj. site growth? The propionate I have hooked myself with does not have alot of ba in it like most test props. So the injections are easily tolerable....for me atleast, and with it will come the solid synthol like muscle growth, but of course better, since still, there will be much less oil injected in the body (compared to a synthol cycle) and it goes down the drain much faster than synthol based oil. Everyone will have some pics to see when im all done.....and then we will decide if what we will se in my future pics, could have been achieved with a cycle of deca and enanthate instead of the propionate and nand. phenyl.! :D
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I certainly can't speak for all, but I totally disagree with you on the esters.

In my opinion, the longer the better. Much more stable levels that way.

And I'd say that they're more anabolic with less androgenic side-effects, but I don't want to start that debate... :)
I will agree that the esterless drugs do have more test per mg. However you simply raise the does slightly (the ester isn't that heavy) and compensate for that. And save yourself alot of scar tissue and hassle.

Also by your reasoning that the more test the better you should do test base twice a day, that is the most test for the buck!

I'll be interested to see the effect site inject has for you. I haven't heard to many people claim it is that great except with drugs like pgf2a. But have fun being a pin cushion and hope you get great gains.
elijah_123 said:
I will agree that the esterless drugs do have more test per mg. However you simply raise the does slightly (the ester isn't that heavy) and compensate for that. And save yourself alot of scar tissue and hassle.

Also by your reasoning that the more test the better you should do test base twice a day, that is the most test for the buck!

I'll be interested to see the effect site inject has for you. I haven't heard to many people claim it is that great except with drugs like pgf2a. But have fun being a pin cushion and hope you get great gains.

yeah I know I gotta be carefull not to cause scar tissue or a lump buildup with all the injections. I have no doubt the site injections WILL work for me, considering we are talking about 6 months of shots! I have site injected fina and Sustanon (sust) before, and my biceps blew up from it.....but I did get a little lump on my right bi. If I make sure to massage well right after every injection, then I will be fine. remember, this will be tons of cc's of oil on a regular basis. It really should atleast stretch the smaller injected muscles alittle bit. We shall see and I will report