J steel said:
Glad to see this post bumped up again, great info.
DRVeeJay, what dosage of Policosonal is safe to use while on and off cycle? I actually bought this stuff last year when I first saw your post, but never used it because I wasn't sure how to dose it, lol!
Should have PM'd me!!
J steel said:
Also, if you wouldnt mind, could you list the dosages for all the other supps you take..........I know the effective amount may differ from person to person, but I take many of the same (rALA, Tylers, Fish Oil) and am curious how our dosages compare.
I supp YEAR round on the following:
Policosanol: 20 mg/day---------When ON (ANYHING) = 40 mg
Sam-E: 200 mg/day-------------When ON (ANYHING) = 400 mg
Flax: 1TBLspoon /day-----------When ON (ANYHING) = 2 TBLspoon's
Udo's Oil: 2 TBLspoons---------When ON (ANYHING) = 3-4 TBLspoon's
Fish Oil gelcaps: 3 grams/day--When ON (ANYHING) = 6 grams/day
NAC: 600 mg/day----------------When ON (ANYHING) = 1,200 mg/day
ALA: 500 mg (or R-ALA =300)--When ON (ANYHING) = 1 G or R-ala 500
Milk Thistle 1 G/day--------------When ON (ANYHING) = SAME
L-Tyrosine: 1 G/day-------------When ON (ANYHING) = SAME
LaBrada Joint Fuel: 1 serving -- When ON (ANYHING) = 2 servings
TMG (tri-methyl-glycine) 1G/day---When ON (ANYHING) = 2 G's
I THINK that's it.....I'll come back and edit if I forgot antything.