dumbell bench press

mass rookie

New member
would you get bigger results this way on your light weight days, and using barbell on heavy weight days (cause of more weight) ? tried DBBPress the other day and liked the pumps I get ! anybody like DBBPress for what ever reasons ?
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they are a nice assistance exercise. or if you got bad shoulders they are nice if you dont go all the way down. but there is a better movements for athletes with sore shoulders to develop muscle.

dont be fooled by a "pump". it dont mean anything cept the muscle is full of blood. a pump is a poor way to determine if an exercise is working or not. there is only one test for that. sides when you leave the gym the pump stays. lolololol
With DB presses you get a little more range of motion b/c you can bring your hands a lot closer together.
I get a better stretch in the pecs and a better pump, a better pump is not necessarily indicative of future growth. However a better pump motivates me to work harder which in turn produces more growth.
I like using both barbell and dumbell on alternate weeks or exercises. Variety is the spice of life.
string_bean00 said:
I like using both barbell and dumbell on alternate weeks or exercises. Variety is the spice of life.

i second that.....and for me the pump is vital, without it i loose motivation and feel the workout was poor !
i use dumbell presses, but at the end i do a lil variation to help me get a better squeeze in my chest, i turn my wrists like i would be doin flies and then can squeeze my chest a little better :)
According to EMG studies, the Dumbell Bench Press promotes greater pectoral major stimulation than any other movement. A greater range of motion seems to be the main cause. But as far as total upper body muscle tension/fiber recruitment, I believe the barbell movement is superior. I like to use the Dumbells for 5's or higher and Reverse Barbell style for under 5's or lower.
Green888 said:
i second that.....and for me the pump is vital, without it i loose motivation and feel the workout was poor !

the pump has nothig to do with building muscle. the only exercise i get a pump on is curls and i havent done bis in two years. weight on the bar is what motivates me. that is the ultimate guage of our success. when i walk up to a bar loaded with 8 plates and some change on each side the last thing i am thinking about is a PUMP. and after i complete the squat the last thing i do is look in the mirror to make sure i got my little pump. Poor motivation IMO. But hey everybody is different. if it floats you boat have at it.