Easiest way to get labwork done?


New member
Are doctor's orders required to get labwork done?
If not, what's the easiest way?
The more ideas the better.
privatemdlabs.com saveonlabs.com

Both of these are good options, compare to see which has the tests you require for less.
privatemdlabs, and then get the hormone panel for females. And google for a coupon code, you will find a very common 15% one that everybody uses.
I got it done today heres how i did it..I have health insurance so I went to doc and told him I was taking some supplements to boost my testosterone, but they may have been really strong and Im not feeling like myself...He kinda knew what I was hinting at and ordered my lab tests for test and lipids plus a bunch of other labs...all i had to pay was my $20 copay for visit and results should be in by fri...hey it worked for me but my backup option if it didnt work were the replies above privatemdlabs
There is a place here where I live that offers lab tests, actually cheaper than the online guys.

If your results came back abnormally high for T, would they turn you in or anything?
Here (I am not from US) I just went to small private lab and shown her paper with name of all tests written on it. She asked me name of the doctor. I told her name of endo from other city (which I had googled before).
She just checked the name is there in the list on her comp. And when she saw its there she did tests without anymore trouble.
Although it took time to get result from her as she forwarded my samples to some other place as she didn't had facility or wasn't experienced to do all tests. :)