eating clean ? wtf!

mass rookie

New member
If Im eating things like turkey & cheese
cheese steaks or t-bone steaks
tuna out of the can
pasta with butter
white or brown rice
oatmeal, eggs
how am I supposed to get 5000 cals to bulk up Im 170lbs 24 5'8''
I also drink 3 full servings of nlarge2 shakes a day which = 2580 cals
because all those things are not high in cals. so ???????? but fast food is but that shit makes you tired and fat in the gut.
thank you all, rook. please school me! :confused:
You’re not! IMO I feel that eating clean and bulking up do not necessarily together. If you are a hardgainer it is easier to bulk up if you can get your bodyfat up to at least 10%-12%. You are right eating clean does not put cal in your system and eating junk food will put a ton of cals in your system. However, there is a balance in-between the two. I would mix in high cal foods with my clean foods. Do not fill up on clean foods. When I am bulking I will eat a large pizza every week (I am blessed with a fast metabolism). I to do exclude anything I eat everything I can, that means desserts. I do not know what the contents of “nlarge2” are but make sure your drink has at least 100g of carbs in it. Eat solid meals at least 5. Do not relay on drinks to get all your cals. Put food in your system. I also feel that you have to be extremely hydrated to gain mass that means drinking 1 to 1.5gals of water a day.
Bro, remember that it is easier to lose fat than gain muscle. There are other factors to consider as well in putting mass on. What is your workout like, how much cardio do you do, how much sleep do you take, are you taking Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) or supplements.
personally i think you can eat big and keep it clean.

you can:
- add peanut butter to your shakes and oatmeal.
- drizzle olive oil all over of your eggs, rice, pasta, potatoes, meats, etcetera.
- drink a shitload of whole milk instead of just water.
- eat 90% instead of 95% lean hamburger meat.
- eat whole eggs instead of whites.

if you are dedicated, you can easily get to 4000 calories a day. and if all else fails, just start eating peanut butter raw from the jar. 100 calories per spoonful, great macronutrient breakdown and clean fats.
well I did get about 4000+ cals while I was on cycle but the test I was running was only at 200mg now Im off but when I go back on for 12 wks I will run test at 500mg hopefully more test and lots o cals will help me.
Try adding nuts, whole eggs and clever fats such as Dr. Udo's choice. Its a blend of 3,6&9 omega's, a very important fat which wont make you fat but adds valuble kcals