Day 45? I think I lost track at some point and was off count by a day, but I just ran out of a couple things (first bottle) that had a 45 day supply, so today should be the half way point.
I cut back my calories to try and cut some more. Strength is still increasing, although at a slightly slower rate. I am around 166lbs but leaner and slightly bigger

I should hit 10% body fat in the next 4 or 5 days. I am really happy with my results so far. My friends say I look amazing, and that is with me holding water XD so once I dry up post cycle I will be even more vascular

Just a heads up, LGD will cause some acne. Nothing like a teenage breakout or big AAS cycle, but my perfectly clear skin has faded and I have small amounts of acne. This should all clear up while on PCT as long as the Ostarine doesn't cause acne (which I'm not sure about because this stuff is all new). I stopped taking the D-Aspartic acid because I realized it was giving me diarrhea

The boys are still plump and sex drive is very high so I'm not too worried. I may go back on it during PCT, but I'm not certain. I am going to up the cardio because I would really like to be around 9% bodyfat. I get stared by almost everyone the entire time I'm at the gym, so I think my results speak for them-self and I'm not hugely worried about slowing down on the size gains. The college gym is full of big ass dudes benching 135 so seeing someone who is actually in good shape is a surprise to them, and the women at the gym are thinking something else XD I already look good for my size, and have somewhat abnormal strength for how "small" I am. I am barely 5'8 and ~166lbs after all. I have had a ton of friends (6'2+ 220+ lbs) ask me how I am so much stronger than them

Would love to be shredded by summer. If I don't hit 9% I may do an ECA cutting cycle about a month after my PCT. I want to secure my gains before I cut to minimize the muscle loss. Worst case scenario I will be doing another cycle come August. This shit is addicting! More posts to come so stay tuned!