My first SARM (RECOMP) cycle

I would listen to the guy who said to use nolva throughout the cycle. Clomid and nolva in fact, IMO. I ran LGD July last year for about a month and my T levels are just now coming back.

I hope you got bloodwork prior, so you know where you are at all times. Anyway, good luck.

Did you use any SERMs during pct or did you wait for your levels to bounce back naturally?
Day 23:
I think the preworkout is helping my motivation. I'm definitely starting to notice gains. I'm up 20lbs on bench, I'm inclined benching 225 no problem and over 200lbs on flies. The Cardarine must be doing something fierce to my endurance, because I'm doing 3-4 sets of 3 different exercises for pecs and shoulders and not having any problem throwing up more weight for each individual exercise than I ever have! I've been slacking a bit on the cardio due to the New Year's resolution noobs hoarding all of the cardio equipment to do a half-ass a workout thinking it will make them look better or justify an atrocious diet... -_-
I will do a 30, 60 and 90 day(final) update with more details on my stats. I'm really digging this stack! I definitely think I've covered all the bases
Day 24:
Did a few sets of 10@ 335 on squats today. I need to buy a weight belt because the ones at the gym are mediocre. People at the school gym aren't used to decently strong people, so every time I bench or squat I get stared at by the entire room. The gym is mostly used to seeing frat guys doing 135 or less and half the people there have bird legs because they skip leg day. I'm not a big guy by any means and I wear baggy clothes so I guess they are all suprised.
Day 27:
Went up 10 more lbs on bench for 5 and 6 reps. Not too shabby. I'm going to start focusing a little more on leaning out for a while, because I'm already up 5 lbs, so now I want to get some more definition. I will be cleaning up my diet a tad and trying to find more time to do cardio, but that may be hard.
Day 28:
I know I'm a day late and a dollar hort but I forgot to update this yesterday. I did legs, and for my last set of squats I did 5 reps at 365, so I'm definitely feeling some strength increases.
Been looking into sarms myself and they do seem like a perfect add on to a cycle I'm gonna do some more home work but may be trying them out my self
Day 30!
Did upper body and got a really good workout in. My strength is definitely up 20-70+ lbs in every upper body workout since the beginning!
As a 30 day update I'm up to 165.6 lbs, and at ~11-11.5% bodyfat, so I'm up about 5lbs (I think im holding some water weight) and a tad bit leaner. I need to up my cardio or something, because I'm not losing as much fat as I would like, but I'm very pleased with the strength and size gains.
Thanks! Yeah I haven't had any serious side effects and the minor ones didn't last more than a couple days. My skin has cleared up and I had a huge 2nd degree burn basically disappear in a week thanks to the MK. I'm excited to up the LGD to amp up the gain train lol As much as some of the traditional AAS guys have hated on SARMs, they seem to be working pretty well, and a little bit slower gains means they will probably have a better chance of sticking around Post-cycle.
I have a TON of crap to do today through Sunday, so i don't think ill be able to hit the gym until Monday :( I literally have no life. I'm constantly busy. I wont even have time to get 6 hours of sleep, so I really don't think I can make it to the gym. Oh well, a 3 day break could be nice.
I have a TON of crap to do today through Sunday, so i don't think ill be able to hit the gym until Monday :( I literally have no life. I'm constantly busy. I wont even have time to get 6 hours of sleep, so I really don't think I can make it to the gym. Oh well, a 3 day break could be nice.

thats sucks, sorry to hear that. Remember, work to live, not live to work.
Day 34:
I hit legs today in the gym, which went pretty well. Strength and endurance are still up a ton from when I started, but my back was pretty sore after doing squats, so I'm going to lay off that and maybe supplement leg presses and something else until My back feels good again. I'm not going to mess with the lower back, that never has a happy ending.
Day 35:
Did upper body today and killed bench @265 lbs, inclined at 225 and flies at 225, so I think I'm ready to go up in weight. By the time I get to bicepts and tricepts at the end of my workout they are pretty sore and 100lbs curls and skull crushers is pretty hard, but I love the burn! Went up in weight with back as well. Feeling and looking good! No side effects to report, besides good gains :p
Day 42:
Sorry I haven't had time to make an update recently. I've been hitting the gym regularly though, I didn't jump ship! This is going to be a really busy week but ill try to get some decent posts in.
Day 45? I think I lost track at some point and was off count by a day, but I just ran out of a couple things (first bottle) that had a 45 day supply, so today should be the half way point.
I cut back my calories to try and cut some more. Strength is still increasing, although at a slightly slower rate. I am around 166lbs but leaner and slightly bigger :) I should hit 10% body fat in the next 4 or 5 days. I am really happy with my results so far. My friends say I look amazing, and that is with me holding water XD so once I dry up post cycle I will be even more vascular :) Just a heads up, LGD will cause some acne. Nothing like a teenage breakout or big AAS cycle, but my perfectly clear skin has faded and I have small amounts of acne. This should all clear up while on PCT as long as the Ostarine doesn't cause acne (which I'm not sure about because this stuff is all new). I stopped taking the D-Aspartic acid because I realized it was giving me diarrhea :( The boys are still plump and sex drive is very high so I'm not too worried. I may go back on it during PCT, but I'm not certain. I am going to up the cardio because I would really like to be around 9% bodyfat. I get stared by almost everyone the entire time I'm at the gym, so I think my results speak for them-self and I'm not hugely worried about slowing down on the size gains. The college gym is full of big ass dudes benching 135 so seeing someone who is actually in good shape is a surprise to them, and the women at the gym are thinking something else XD I already look good for my size, and have somewhat abnormal strength for how "small" I am. I am barely 5'8 and ~166lbs after all. I have had a ton of friends (6'2+ 220+ lbs) ask me how I am so much stronger than them :) Would love to be shredded by summer. If I don't hit 9% I may do an ECA cutting cycle about a month after my PCT. I want to secure my gains before I cut to minimize the muscle loss. Worst case scenario I will be doing another cycle come August. This shit is addicting! More posts to come so stay tuned!
Day 45? I think I lost track at some point and was off count by a day, but I just ran out of a couple things (first bottle) that had a 45 day supply, so today should be the half way point.
I cut back my calories to try and cut some more. Strength is still increasing, although at a slightly slower rate. I am around 166lbs but leaner and slightly bigger :) I should hit 10% body fat in the next 4 or 5 days. I am really happy with my results so far. My friends say I look amazing, and that is with me holding water XD so once I dry up post cycle I will be even more vascular :) Just a heads up, LGD will cause some acne. Nothing like a teenage breakout or big AAS cycle, but my perfectly clear skin has faded and I have small amounts of acne. This should all clear up while on PCT as long as the Ostarine doesn't cause acne (which I'm not sure about because this stuff is all new). I stopped taking the D-Aspartic acid because I realized it was giving me diarrhea :( The boys are still plump and sex drive is very high so I'm not too worried. I may go back on it during PCT, but I'm not certain. I am going to up the cardio because I would really like to be around 9% bodyfat. I get stared by almost everyone the entire time I'm at the gym, so I think my results speak for them-self and I'm not hugely worried about slowing down on the size gains. The college gym is full of big ass dudes benching 135 so seeing someone who is actually in good shape is a surprise to them, and the women at the gym are thinking something else XD I already look good for my size, and have somewhat abnormal strength for how "small" I am. I am barely 5'8 and ~166lbs after all. I have had a ton of friends (6'2+ 220+ lbs) ask me how I am so much stronger than them :) Would love to be shredded by summer. If I don't hit 9% I may do an ECA cutting cycle about a month after my PCT. I want to secure my gains before I cut to minimize the muscle loss. Worst case scenario I will be doing another cycle come August. This shit is addicting! More posts to come so stay tuned!

Sounds like your doing well. When the chicks at the gym start walking into glass doors or walls while staring at you then you definitely know that you have beasted up. :) Keep drinking your rations of water no matter what, many people drink less water because they see/think/suspect that they are retaining water but drink more I say. Please continue to keep us posted!