ED Pinning injection spots - is 6 enough?


I am banned!
I just pinned my delt for the first time two days ago and I want to die. I couldn't train at all, the PIP is something else.

I was wondering if for an every day injection schedule if my glutes, VG, and quads would be sufficient. I know it's not ideal, but I really dont know where else I can pin. I don't know how I would go about pinning my right delt either, as I am a righty. The needle would shake and cause even worse PIP.
Ok man I gotta ask what are you pinning that is giving you such PIP and that you need ED pinning.
Also are you aspirating ?
What size and lentth needle are you using ?
Important Q's

Yes that is plenty of sites. It is a personal thing and it has really nothing to do with PIP it is for scare tissue and just irritation. You didn't mention Pectoral injections
Ok man I gotta ask what are you pinning that is giving you such PIP and that you need ED pinning.
Also are you aspirating ?
What size and lentth needle are you using ?
Important Q's

Yes that is plenty of sites. It is a personal thing and it has really nothing to do with PIP it is for scare tissue and just irritation. You didn't mention Pectoral injections

I do aspirate, but not on my delts. How is that even possible?
25g, 1.5". For delts I didn't go all the way in.

And I'm doing NPP/test P, .75ml of each ED.

As for pectoral injections, I would be afraid to try it because my chest is already kind of lagging (shitty chest insertions srsly) and I don't want to have to miss out on training chest.
Ok man I gotta ask what are you pinning that is giving you such PIP and that you need ED pinning.
Also are you aspirating ?
What size and lentth needle are you using ?
Important Q's

Yes that is plenty of sites. It is a personal thing and it has really nothing to do with PIP it is for scare tissue and just irritation. You didn't mention Pectoral injections

Listen 1st you don't need to aspirate anywhere you inject. I won't go there with my speech but look at the dynamics of being perpendicular to the vessels. Ok nought bout that.

NPP and Prop due to the ester sometimes can bite and if that is your gear (?) If the case you can dilute the oil with some Test E or a little Deca. Just like 100mgs . With the lo dose it should have not much effect oon any more water retention or your E2.

You might just go and try glutes. Hopefully you know where the Ventral glute is but also the ( don't know name) lower outer portion of the glute muscle is very easy to reach and inject. Go all the way in !
If you have a PIP problem I strongly suggest you don't due Quads.

Another thing is you might try switching to a 1" needle which would be better for the Delts and the pectoral area. The pec are so easy being right in front of your face.

Also man if you are going to be in this and injecting you must learn to use your left hand or get help. I myself am severely an un-coordinate guy with my left hand and I got it down. A good place to learn the left is the delt and Pec and by holding the barrel with you palm and plunging with your thump.
PS: listen if it is at all possible ask someone who is using the same lab if they have this ?

If so then if possible change labs. I know that would be expensive.
I don't know what to say about the delts, they are my least sensitive injection sites. I guess everyone is different. I've found tris to be pretty easy as well as pecs. You also might try and find another spot on the quads. I've found a spot up high on the front that works well and another down lower towards the outside. They are far enough apart that I don't worry about hitting them back to back.

NPP and test prop tend to be pretty bad for pip. I bet it will get a lot better as you get used to it though.
Depends on pain tolerance gearage quality and ml s per pin and pin size.
I m a quad quad delt delt guy but never ever do more than 1 cc per pin that s me

25 g 3.4 inch pin w it 3 time s then trash it. Gotta keep the immune system hopping or that sucker will get slack too. I have never ever had an infection from a pin but I use dirt and duc tape to stop hemohraging then when control superglue ( hardware guick clot boy s ) and a sliver of paper towel to address cut s and hack laceration s too.
The body will push out the plug when done. ER s over rated over priced and most doc s suck.
Redneck trauma 1 st aid and Tactical 1 st aid -same thing.