So yea, im going to do a 16 week blast of 250mg e3d. I did my first pin this Monday and my second one earlier today. First one went to right quad with a 23g pin, second one went to left quad. But yesterday i had a crazy PIP from my first pin, it felt as if my body was trying to fight off a virus or something with a small feverish feeling, however an ibuprofen and antihistamine relieved the pain. Today ive felt extremely tired and lazy, sore muscles from my last workout (yesterday) although pip is not as bad on my quad. I also took my first Adex dose today since i thought it could perhaps be high E2 and i was going to start my adex anyway, just did .25mg adex and will take next .25mg in 2 or 3 days, havent decided with eod or e3d yet. I really dont wanna crash my e2 so.
Any advice or things i can do about this test flu? will it go away so it doesnt happen every time i pin? Reason i did quads is cause it feels safer somehow, i didnt want to "miss" the spot doing glutes, i know youre supposed to do em upper quadrant but yea, cant miss on quads so thought id just go for them.
Any advice or things i can do about this test flu? will it go away so it doesnt happen every time i pin? Reason i did quads is cause it feels safer somehow, i didnt want to "miss" the spot doing glutes, i know youre supposed to do em upper quadrant but yea, cant miss on quads so thought id just go for them.