New here, my first beginner basic cycle..test flu ?


New member
So yea, im going to do a 16 week blast of 250mg e3d. I did my first pin this Monday and my second one earlier today. First one went to right quad with a 23g pin, second one went to left quad. But yesterday i had a crazy PIP from my first pin, it felt as if my body was trying to fight off a virus or something with a small feverish feeling, however an ibuprofen and antihistamine relieved the pain. Today ive felt extremely tired and lazy, sore muscles from my last workout (yesterday) although pip is not as bad on my quad. I also took my first Adex dose today since i thought it could perhaps be high E2 and i was going to start my adex anyway, just did .25mg adex and will take next .25mg in 2 or 3 days, havent decided with eod or e3d yet. I really dont wanna crash my e2 so.

Any advice or things i can do about this test flu? will it go away so it doesnt happen every time i pin? Reason i did quads is cause it feels safer somehow, i didnt want to "miss" the spot doing glutes, i know youre supposed to do em upper quadrant but yea, cant miss on quads so thought id just go for them.
Beginners should be pinning delts IMO. It's just straight up safer and easier.

Keep doing what your doing is the only way to find out what is going on.

Make sure you keep everything sterile so you don't get an infection.

At the end of the day, your body may not like the type of oil that your gear is in. Do you know what the oil is?
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No idea, its called Pro Oil.. but yea ive heard of people getting this during first week, im just gonna keep pinning my quads for a bit and see if my body gets used to it or if i keep getting sick then i obviously will need to replace the gear or switch pinning spots
It doesn't sound like test flu, you're describing virgin muscle and pip.
Your estrogen would not have risen this quick would take at least a month.

Anyhow...its common, pretty much everyone has it, specially doing quads first time. It will go over, it will probably happen more times, doesn't matter what muscles really.

I dont agree with the advice that beginners should be pinning delts, what if they're like me and always get excruciating pain and unable to move my shoulder ?
I think people should pin whatever they're comfortable with.

And can't really "miss" your glutes could however inject wrong in both quads and glutes though :P
An suggestion would be to read the beginner sticky... Because you have a lot to learn bro...and you should do research BEFORE starting and not guess while in the middle of shit.
I agree with the statement above in that is sounds like virgin muscle pip.
It is possible you are having a reaction to something in the gear (oil, Easter, solvents...etc), but I’d lean towards the pip.
Personally I find quads painful all the time, but not nearly as bad as delts. I can’t do delts. Glutes are by far the least painful for me and the pin area is pretty big, just stay mid to high and outside. This is different for every person. Lats are 1 of my favorite but you don’t hear that a lot.
Highly unlikely your E has risen that quick but I believe starting your AI is the right decision.
I’d just stay the course like Clman said for a couple weeks anyway.
Thank you for the advices. Today i feel much better, so what happened is 2 days ago i had 1 day of hardcore PIP on my quad, then the next day extremely sore muscles and joints and lethargic, no motivation , low appetite. Today i woke up and feel more energized, no sore muscles, very slight pip. Im thinking my heavy work out session 2 days ago "woke up" my PIP somehow, or perhaps sub-q leakage, or started some flu-like, idk.

Yea i still dont know if i should continue my .25mg adex e3d or wait some more, people really have extremely different opinions there. Some people say to wait for atleast 2-3 weeks, others say its fine to start right at like 2nd or third pin.

I have spent a lot of time researching before I hopped on obviously, but its still not possible to understand everything that is happening to your body when it is introduced to this first time, thats why I came here to ask
To OP:
The PIP that you are experiencing is from that 23 Gauge Needle.
Curious ~ how long is the Needle, if it's over 1" ~ that's also causing an increase in PIP.

Quads are my Go-To ~ I use a 25 g x 5/8" Needle.

Delts are an Option ~ but again ~ Not with a 23 Gauge Pin.
I do Delts with 27 Gauge x 1/2" Pin.
And I've got some Big Delts.................................... JP
Thank you for the advices. Today i feel much better, so what happened is 2 days ago i had 1 day of hardcore PIP on my quad, then the next day extremely sore muscles and joints and lethargic, no motivation , low appetite. Today i woke up and feel more energized, no sore muscles, very slight pip. Im thinking my heavy work out session 2 days ago "woke up" my PIP somehow, or perhaps sub-q leakage, or started some flu-like, idk.
Yea i still dont know if i should continue my .25mg adex e3d or wait some more, people really have extremely different opinions there. Some people say to wait for atleast 2-3 weeks, others say its fine to start right at like 2nd or third pin.
I have spent a lot of time researching before I hopped on obviously, but its still not possible to understand everything that is happening to your body when it is introduced to this first time, thats why I came here to ask

When you inject any oil that has an ester attached for a slower release in your body, it will work like that.
Once you pin, the oil somewhat dissipates into the muscle but its also starts breaking down, this is why you dont really feel pip the same day but delayed.
Its also why the pip seems to be worst once its been about half, the half life of whatever ester.

As for the sore muscles and being tired, you most likely just pinned and had placebo effect in the gym and trained "too hard", you have to realize you wont peak your testosterone levels until around week 6.
I remember my first cycle of the first day, I murdered my chest so much I had literally sore muscles for 9 days...yes...9 days...

Far as your AI question, soon as you start pinning exogenous testo, your body shuts down and conversion into estrogen will occur.
Unless you stop that conversion, by week 3/6 or whatever week you've read, it will already have climbed higher than you want (you dont really want estrogen levels to move much at all)

Everyone is different in how much AI they actually need, thats why you see different recommendations but 0.25mg e3d for 500mg / week testo is the baseline recommendation but everyone will react differently and the only way to know for sure, is multiple blood works.
But you dont want to delay taking your AI for weeks... :)
No, problem is you***8217;re imaging it***8217;s Channing Tatum***8217;
Seriously though, I may be a pu$$y but I just can***8217;t pin delts.

Sorry for robbing your post OP

I'd endlessly jam 20g pins in my glutes over doing 27g injections in my delts...
Its just not possible, the pip i experience becomes so bad, that by second injection, I cant even move my arm and shoulder...forget sleeping on it...
Ohh, OP...something we should discuss here is scar tissue from pinning the same muscles over and over again.

I know you're doing test e and only 2 injections per week and technically it should be fine...
But... You're also using a fairly large needle (I only use 23g for drawing and glutes, i prefer longer needle there.)
You should also never inject a muscle that has pip.
I would recommend rotating at least 2 muscles, so you get 4 sites.

If you are not comfortable doing glutes (its super easy bro..) you could consider doing ventroglutes instead ? :)
Personally, my favorite site is ventroglutes with 25g but glutes is the only muscle i've never had pip in and it also never "hurts" injecting and never accidentally hit a nerve and thrown the whole needle across the room lol... That has happened few times with quads though.
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Yea im considering doing my glute Monday for my third pin. Ventroglute is even smaller hitbox than glute lol, ill go with glute, its not the angle / reach im worried about, its just hitting the right spot but i think ill manage it!