Eddie Robinson

Eddie isn't gay, (I will say that have a wife & 2 kids doesn't mean anything when it comes to sexual orientation) but Eddie is not a homophobe, he knows his audience is men in general and men who may be attracted to him inspirationally or sexually to any degree. He knows who is going to buy his photos...
mr.lean said:
ya hes definately gay, look at the first pics and the last one
Take a look at yourself, and take a look at what pictures you're looking at, you're looking at guy pictures. You're gay!
Sadly to many men who like looking at muscular men` are afraid to admit
they like muscles! always attacking a man who has no fear in showing his
muscularity' its usually the man that screams gay' that is perhaps in denial
and miserable living in the closet trying to lead a double life.These are the
the guys who collect muscle DVD,S and cruise the enternet looking for sites
like these to wack off too" while their wives in kids are in bed.
