Effects of longer cycles on recovery.


New member
Is there a big difference between a 12 week and a 15 week cycle in terms of recovery? I can use a higher dose for 12 weeks but would prefer to use a smaller dose and go 15 weeks. More time on instead of larger dosages I feel like is more beneficial. But if that extra 3 weeks makes recovery even hard it may not be worth it.
This is more of an individualized question based on a circumstance in situation.... it is not one size fits all however the longer you are shut down the more resistance someone could expect with recovery.... I will tell you what there's an even bigger difference with 12 weeks compare to 20 + weeks....15 weeks with long ester compounds are more favored for great reason and if you have a proper structured post cycle therapy then the vast majority of people had great success with recovery...
Not a huge difference between 12 and 15 weeks. What is most important is timing your pct well. Use the steroid calculator to see when blood levels have fallen to a point to run pct. Use hcg with both.