Effects of stacking Masteron with Test Cypionate.


New member
If I take Masteron with Testosterone Cypionate will the Masteron still be somewhat effective in achieving dense hardness. And my main question is would the Masteron decrease water retention from The Test. And I don't want to take Test Prop because I don't like it I prefer Test Cypionate.
gabriel said:
If I take Masteron with Testosterone Cypionate will the Masteron still be somewhat effective in achieving dense hardness.


gabriel said:
And my main question is would the Masteron decrease water retention from The Test.


gabriel said:
And I don't want to take Test Prop because I don't like it I prefer Test Cypionate.

Then use an aromatase inhibitor to help combat the water retention.
sorry to hijack but im planning on running masteron i have 70ml of masteron prop and 50ml of masteron enathate and the first 14 days i´ll run it with test propp 200mg/eod but after that only Test E 600mg/week and the two last weeks of the cycle only Test propp 100mg eod but also NPP 100mg 5x-week(500mg).

W 1-5 500mg NPP and we/6 400mg NPP ,week 7 200mg.
W 1-2 200mg Test P Eod and week 6-7 100mg Eod
W 1-7 100mg Masteron P/eod and Masteron E 200mg 2x/we
W 3-4 hcg 500ius 2x/we and 6-8 hcg 500iu 4x /we and hmg 75ius 2x/we and :pct :clomid 150mg only 10 days then aromasin 25/ed and Nolva 20mg/ed and take 1000mcg vitaminE(to give hcg better effect) so how does my cycle look.

Cycle two will be :
W 1-12HGH 4-5ius 5on 2off
w 13-17 Lr3 IGF-1 100mcg 5on 2off and HGH 2ius 5on 2off
w 18-22 HGH 4-5ius 5on 2off
w 23-26 LR 3 80mcg/5on 2off (hgh with either metaformin tabs or slin)
and W 1-6 Tren Acetate 500/w and w/1-3 Test P 100mg/ed and then Test E 500mg w-4-23 then again Test P 200mg/eod and same post cycle therapy (pct) like first cycle and HMG/HCG.

what do you say?
if youre just goign for hardness jsut run a low dose of test with th emasteron , water shouldnt be too much of a problem