Enanthate, 700mg/w for 15weeks. First time cycle[Before-PICS]

I want to get some input from you guys.
I don't have english as my native language so bare with me.

Im 22 years old, 196lbs and 6.1ft. About 10-14% BF I'm guessing.
I have no experience of steroids. The only thing I've done is an ECA stack..

I've been training for 4-5 years, the last 1 or 1.5 years I've been taking things more seriously. The last 6 months I've gained about 27lbs. And I've still managed to keep my BF pretty low.

Heres some pictures: (I know, my posing sucks :flipoffha )
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So Im planning on doing a 500mg e5d test-e (cidoteston). That amounts up to 700mg/week.

Im also planning on injecting the double dosage on the first two injections to reach steadystate faster.

Like this:

Day1: 500mg
Day2: 500mg

Day6: 500mg
Day7: 500mg

Day12: 500mg

Day17: 500mg

Day22: 500mg


Day 1 and 2 is my "first shot", Im spreading out the dosage over 2 days since I think 4ml is a bit rough for a first injection.
Same with day 6 and 7. Double dosage spread out over 2 days.

After day 7 Im going at it as usual, injecting 500mg e5d.

Since test-e is a slow ester I figure it's best to front with double dosage to get it working faster.

hCG week 4,5,8,9,12,13,16(maybe 17 to?)
PCT: Nolva 40mg ed day1-10, 20mg the rest of the PCT.

whatcha guys think? Is it to much for a first timer with 700mg/week?

Thanks for your input!
you are looking good now, don't do steroids - be happy with what you have...
that double dosage plan will NOT help you reach a steady state faster that is simply doing 2000 mg one week...
After 15 weeks of this you are going to be huge (!), then you will loose most of what you gained during pct, OR you notice that you feel like shit and you are loosing muscle once the test is out - and you jump directly on to a wintrol anavar cycle or whatever and keep going like this until you end up looking like jay cutler..

you are looking good now, don't do steroids - be happy with what you have...
When is the right time to do steroids if not when your at your own personal peak? Isn't that what EVERYONE says? Keep training, build a good solid base and learn about training and eat like a mo'fo.
I've been doing that for a while now and I think it's time for me to try out the juice.

that double dosage plan will NOT help you reach a steady state faster that is simply doing 2000 mg one week...
Yes it will.

Formula to describe it.
N(t) = N(0)2^(-t/T)

* N(t) Describes how much of a certain substance remains after a certain time.

*N(0) Is the amount at start.
* t is the amount of days since your last injection
* T is the halftime of the substance.

t=5 (e5d injection)
T= 10.5days halftime for test-e)

Without double-inject:
Results are in mg, esterised testosterone (spelling?)

Just before injection 2:

Just before injection 3:

Just before injection 4:

[ ... ]

Just before injection 17:

Not until injection 17 steadystate is reached.

WITH double injections:

Just before injection 2:

Just before injection 3:

Just before injection 4:

Just before injection 5:

So you reach steadystate in less than 5 injections compared to 17 without the double injection.

Anyone got any objections?
Please let me know, this is after all my first cycle.
You've done a great job so far, looking lean, much lower bf than your %. I would go 10-12 weeks first cycle, but that's just me. I get worried about my natural Test production being shut down for too long.
It is not a question of WHEN you should do steroids, it's a question of IF, I'm just laying out the prognosis.

Well you have a clever theory about the double injections, but keep in mind that you have a certain amount of testosterone in your blood from before (!) that is going to start decreasing once you start injecting, you should get a blood test, and use this as N-zero on the first result, than make an estimate of how much it is going to decrease for each 5 days and add a smaller number for each calculation, do you see where I'm going with this?

Because of the amount you have from before, injecting that much in that short amount of time is going to cause a spike in BOTH testosterone and estrogen, as you know, estrogen levels in the blood also decreases exponentially but the time required for it to reach half of it's value is longer - so most likely in the period before your next injection you will have a estrogen to testosterone ratio that gives you a high risk of side-effects, that's why I think it is better for you to NOT do the double injections, unless you had no testosterone and N-zero on the first inject was zero...

Follow my advice or not, it's up to you - two most important things are: 1.Get a blood test & 2. consult a doctor - before you begin! Good luck on your cycle
Alright, I follow. I'll take a closer look at that. Thank you! This is exactly the reason I wanted to post this. Great advice man.

I'll get a blood test. Thanks bro

how did you got 27lbs in 6 months...

On a good bulk-day I eat about 4300 kcal, including a gainer.

On a bad day it might amount to 3500kcal with gainer but I rarely go lower than that.

Hm, anyone else got some useful input? I especially seek more feedback on my double dosage kick-off.
Damn! 27lbs in 6 months? Is that possible naturally?

Its roughly a pound a week , I think eating a clean surplus and a mass gainer its possible if you stay on a strict diet.

as fas as OP I'd recommend taking it slow. Your body is doing a great job natural a little juice might do wonders for you.

You might react really well to a normal or less dosage. Then plan from that.
first timer=no way....who would even think of doing 700mg per week for the first time...i mean really
1st time 400mg/wk is about perfect, and that's plenty. have some hcg to take during and have a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) around to see if your gonna need it. other than that train your ass off and eat everything in sight!!
alright, I'll start out on 350mg/week. (250mg e5d) and take it from there.
Also talked this over with a friend and he's saying what you guys are saying.

Althou I'm sticking with my double injections the first few times.

Thanks guys!
Would rather just shoot 2cc's EW (500mg EW) and shoot twice a week. No pre "loading" or anything like that.

Remember to eat more!
Would rather just shoot 2cc's EW (500mg EW) and shoot twice a week. No pre "loading" or anything like that.

Remember to eat more!

If you look at my earlier post I explain why Im doing double injections the first two times.
Doesn't that sound reasonable to you?

Im eating 4000kcal today. Ill buy whey to add some protein during the day and slow protein before going to bed.

Svenne banan :bootyshak
There are no real reasons for preloading and it wont help anything in real life, you can use any formulas you want. Test will kick in at about 4 weeks no matter how you preload.

500mg total, 250mg 2x's EW is all you need and then some for a first cycle, if youre diet, training and rest are in place youre gains will be great.
End the hcg the same day as youre last shot.
man im not gonna say i disagree with you with the "double injections" because everyone has to find out for themselves just howthey react to this stuff. i dont personally beleive it to be beneficial because of the explosive roller coaster like levels of hormones your gonna have right away. the main goal is to reach an anabolic level and maintain it. no one is ever effected exactly the same. do realise though, 700mg is kinda high for a beginner. im not saying dont go for it but remember that your attitude, sex drive, competitiveness will be greatly enhanced as will. i honostly would cross 500mg. for a first time cycle. ive done 400mg/12 weeks and 500mg/ 15 weeks and thank god everyday i had a steady g/f who has a sex drive like i do!!