Ending cycle early

Wow didnt know u could get gyno just in 4 days

everyone is different when it comes to ph/ds.some can use m drol and be fine while the next guy might develop gyno within the first week it just depends on the user.

do you have some femara on hand?

I've had flare ups but femara has always knocked it out for me and let me be able to continue on.
4 days of hdrol is in fucking possible to get gyno

hdrol at 6wks wont give gyno

and mich if you are getting flare ups and are forced to use femara, odds are you poorly cycled before, what is your cycle history may i ask???

i dont see how any of the phs give gyno......e2 issues yes, superdrol will cause an e2 rebound because of extreme suppression, and the tards who get gyno from this are the ones who skimped on their cycle, didnt plan accordingly, and tried to gain 20lbs for $40


to the op, and mich, was is your definition of gyno????? it your nips are itchy, thats not gyno
Id rather take low doses of hdrol or mdrol an gain slowly. Im not in a rush. I was only doing 50mg of hdrol for four days and started getting massive headaches so i backed off to 25 mgs and headache gone. On day five rite now. Drinking plenty of water and my support supps. Bp raised a bit but dropd as soon as i decreased dose. If i do mdrol im only gna do 5 mg heard guys getn results with just that dose
Id rather take low doses of hdrol or mdrol an gain slowly. Im not in a rush. I was only doing 50mg of hdrol for four days and started getting massive headaches so i backed off to 25 mgs and headache gone. On day five rite now. Drinking plenty of water and my support supps. Bp raised a bit but dropd as soon as i decreased dose. If i do mdrol im only gna do 5 mg heard guys getn results with just that dose

Hdrol is known for the High BP headache.
Id rather take low doses of hdrol or mdrol an gain slowly. Im not in a rush. I was only doing 50mg of hdrol for four days and started getting massive headaches so i backed off to 25 mgs and headache gone. On day five rite now. Drinking plenty of water and my support supps. Bp raised a bit but dropd as soon as i decreased dose. If i do mdrol im only gna do 5 mg heard guys getn results with just that dose

25mg of hdrol is an utter waste, and you will be shutdown to boot

if you cant handle 50mg of hdrol, look into non methyls and other mild stuff (side wise)


they all make 'gentler' phs that may fit your needs, or sarms may be an option

its obviously the phs, so be it beastdrol, hdrol, diesel theyll all do this to you
honestly iv used only a few phs, epistane/havoc is my favorite, but i think itll be the same sides for you

the ones i mentioned i recommend, it sound slike you need to get your feet wet

androgenetx delta2
ams 4ad
ams 1ad
primordial androhard
primordial androlean
primordial andromass
cel furaza
cel stano drol

any of these should be milder side wise, but gains will still be there, i have used only the androlean, mild ph, but worked, the rest im going off of a balance of decent feedback and low sides
M-lmg from cel? Any good?

its a progestin, i dont think tis something you'd wanna use at this stage bro, just from the way you sound

supposedly its decent, but there are sides

the list i gave you is safe stuff, if i missed one, maybe someone can add to it
Well its non meth so i figured less sides than hdrol or mdrol correct?

meh, progestinal sides are a whole other ballgame.....plus ill assume you'll get the same headaches and high bp too

stick to the list

usually strength = sides

exception maybe the andromass or androhard, but then its strength = price
so the andromass is non methyl but more expensive? have u heard good results on the andromass? dont really care about the price..id rather have less sides and less stress on liver....im takn all the support supps...i looked at the max lmg by cell and thats non methyl....i just have few bottles of hdrol and mdrol...most guys said start with the hdrol cuz its less potent but if the andromass or the max lmg is just as good i might get that instead and sell my mdrol and hdrol
cycle history is everything under the sun.the gyno issue was from i force's protodrol ran at a very high dose.

pain in the nipples,tenderness

4 days of hdrol is in fucking possible to get gyno

hdrol at 6wks wont give gyno

and mich if you are getting flare ups and are forced to use femara, odds are you poorly cycled before, what is your cycle history may i ask???

i dont see how any of the phs give gyno......e2 issues yes, superdrol will cause an e2 rebound because of extreme suppression, and the tards who get gyno from this are the ones who skimped on their cycle, didnt plan accordingly, and tried to gain 20lbs for $40


to the op, and mich, was is your definition of gyno????? it your nips are itchy, thats not gyno
gyno issue was from i force's protodrol ran at a very high dose.

pain in the nipples,tenderness

Gynecomastia is enlargement of the gland tissue of the male breast

im guessing you got over excited and used the femara for nothing

you should read up a bit more on gyno, just so next time you are better prepared for dealing with itchiness as opposed to an actual lump