Dreaded Pirate Roberts
Really focus on your diet. You should be putting on the pounds now. Id expect you to have twice the gains you have. Make sure you are getting enough protein.
Really focus on your diet. You should be putting on the pounds now. Id expect you to have twice the gains you have. Make sure you are getting enough protein.
I ended up putting on around 18 pounds and gained a lot of strenght.
Do you have any good advice regarding diet? For now I am just eating the same amount as on cycle, since my test levels are still high and I plan to continue to do it through PCT, but maybe adjust a bit later on to avoid gaining fat due to the catabolic state the body faces during PCT (maybe cut of 100-200 calories)
I contacted 3J approx one week ago, and haven't got any response yet. Maybe I should try to reach out again?
I sent him a DM. Think I will try to email him this time.
yes bodyweight, bodyfat% and strength can be good indicators as to if your keeping your gains. and your diet as well. Lots of people do a cycle, end their cycle succesfully and reboot their nuts but stop eating the same amount of food that they where eating to get up to par during their cycle so end up losing their gains.Strenght is somewhat the same as on cycle, I try to lift the same weight (even more in some lifts). In some lifts I struggle to get the last 1-2 reps, which I was getting on cycle. I think strenght and body weight is the best indicators of whether I am keeping gains?
You really need to focus on your diet. You should be putting on moree weight by now. Id expect you to have twice the gains you have. Make sure you are getting enough protein.