

New member
I am 25 and just starting to get into body building. I am a endo/mesomorphic body type standing at 5'11" and 220lbs w/ about 23% body fat :( . I would like to get up to 250 lbs, but come down to about 15% or less B.F.

:confused: I am just posting this to see if anyone can give me any good advice I can use to reach my goal.
You have the opposite situation that I have I am an Ecto-Mesomorph. I tend to have a hard time putting on weight. Nonetheless, I have been successful 5ft7 212 10% bf. You are going to have to watch your intake of carbs and keeping lean is a problem for you whereas getting enough calories to gain size has always been a problem for me. If I were you I would try to cut as lean as possible before you start bulking up to 250, it will make the job of adding muscle instead of fat alot easier.
I agree with Huskyguy... You might want to get the basics of your weight lifting plan in order (i.e. isolation of different body parts on different days), and then focus on your diet. I'd cut down to the body-fat that you're comfortable with, and then start bulking from that point. You'll definitely put some of that bodyfat back on, given your build/background... But at least you'll be more muscular at a lower bodyfat rather having to cut off a hellatious ammount of fat after you get done gaining.

Trying to do an isometric gaining/cutting cycle (gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time), your fat loss and muscle gain will be sub-par, at best.

Good luck with your endeavors!
How does one classify themselves as endo/ecto/mesomorph? What are the guidelines for these classifications besides being able to pack on muscle easier, and so forth....outside of the generalizations??
Hey Gymphreak,
Ectomorph-Hard time gaining/easy to lose both muscle and fat. Mesomorph-Easily gains muscle, hard to gain fat. Endomorph-Easy gainer/hard loser both fat and muscle.
These are somewhat archaic and not too scientific, but the last two post are on the money. I consider my self an ecto-mesomorph. My wrists are small, my hips are not too wide. I have to eat every waking minute to put on weight, but I have been able to overcome being skinny through hard work.
Well, i can put on muscle mass easily, but have a hard time losing body fat and muscle...so im guessing that im an endo-mesomorph then??
how can i find out scientifically from joint size, skeletial structure etc...is there a website for specifics or do i have to go to a nutritionist?
Do you gain fat easly as well as muscle??
With me I fall into both the Endomorphic and the Mesomorphic body type. My best soloution for you is to look around the net! But, I check out a couple of sites and get back to you!
I gain fat easily, but i try to watch what im eating and am trying to lose bodyfat....i can shed the stuff off pretty easy with cardio and dieting