energy drinks???


How detrimental are energy drinks to the physique? If/when i do drink some, they are always 'sugar free', but what else is in there that can be preventing me from attaining that shredded 8-pack I so desire?
im not comfortable with energy drinks. people seem to become dependent on them and i dont like that in general. its why i dont drink coffee, i get annoyed by people who are like "i neeeeeeed my morning cup of coffee." it also just seems like something that isnt good for you. i remember when i was taking an ECA regularly it would shrivel up my scrotum. that made me decide not to continue using it when i realized that. so im not giving any scientific evidence against regular energy drink use but for me its just something id rather not do.
I use an energy drink 30mins before I lift to help me push extra hard in the gym and then straight after to get my insuline spike....

I don't think it's detrimental aslong as you know when and where to use it....if anything it helps me get the six pack by helping me train harder.
..i remember when i was taking an ECA regularly it would shrivel up my scrotum. that made me decide not to continue using it when i realized that.

Ephedra use is infamous for causing prostate issues in some men. This may have contributed to what you had happen.
I use them sparingly as well to enhance training intensity. I usually use the sugar-free/low carb monster. The blue low carb Rockstar is great as well. Some of the others I tried didn't seem to give the same kick as those two.
I don't think they are detrimental but it's not something you should drink several times daily, indefinetly.
How detrimental are energy drinks to the physique? If/when i do drink some, they are always 'sugar free', but what else is in there that can be preventing me from attaining that shredded 8-pack I so desire?

Just drink the ones that are sugar free. Zero cal zero suger. Zero problems.
I try not to drink them. But once in a while, if i have an early day at work..and i didnt get alot of sleep the night before and im a fcukking zombie...then yeah i pop a RED BULL or a MAD CROCK. Its not like it gives me just keeps me awake and alert. None of this energy blitz shit people talk about. Thats all in there heads. And if you really wanna stay up all night...have a NO FEAR.
But they are still bad for i drink alot of water afterwords.
Just drink the ones that are sugar free. Zero cal zero suger. Zero problems.
I try not to drink them. But once in a while, if i have an early day at work..and i didnt get alot of sleep the night before and im a fcukking zombie...then yeah i pop a RED BULL or a MAD CROCK. Its not like it gives me just keeps me awake and alert. None of this energy blitz shit people talk about. Thats all in there heads. And if you really wanna stay up all night...have a NO FEAR.
But they are still bad for i drink alot of water afterwords.

That's like saying "That girl doesn't make me horny, my dick just gets hard when I see her"