High Total Test but Low Free T


New member
Hello friends, I'm a 24-year-old natty and I have experienced what I have thought are low testosterone symptoms (absolutely no energy, depression, weak boner, rare morning wood, almost a non-responder to training, puffy nipples idk if gyno, etc.) since about when puberty ended at 19-20 so I finally took some bloods after doing all I can naturally do to raise my test:

Total test: 800 ng/dl
SHBG: 64 nmol/l (17-66)
Free test, calc: 325 pmol/l (155-800)
Estradiol: 150 pmol/l (<150)

Liver, kidneys, blood pressure, thyroid, cholesterol, LH and all that stuff is stellar. Looking at some studies my total test seems to be a little over average for my age, my SHBG is average for a 85-100-year-old and my free test ends up being an average for 45-55-year-old.

There is no clear cause for high E2; I train, eat super healthy, bulk and cut never going over 15% bf, never drink alcohol, etc. I'm obsessed over perfecting anything fitness related. Training background is 3 years eating anorexia calories and 2 years eating seriously, though my results are abysmal.

Doctor says all the values are normal and fine because they're in the reference values, and I'm just depressed. Am I just crazy? They're offering me SSRI (depression drug).

Researching online I'm learning that E2 and SHBG are killing my free test which is what actually matters. What the fuck, fam? That's a huge jump from good total T to low free T, right? I'm not interested in pinning (yet) because my total test is completely fine and I'm only looking to normalize my levels, but I've been doing my AAS research. The problem seems to be too much aromatization.

From what I gather I could fix this by running just AI. That sound crazy to you? Has anyone dealt with high E2 and SHBG but highish total test? Has anyone run AI only cycles? Do I even need to cycle if I'm running just AI? Aromasin, arimidex?

Any tips and ideas are appreciated.
Check your prolactin.

Please post all results rather than saying "stellar". Lets see what they look like so we can have the full picture.
I'm second guessing if I actually posted these yesterday because of the mod approval. Is the mod approval thing only for new members? For how long? Sorry if this is a double post.

Hormone thingies: i.imgur.com/QBNy0gf.png
Other thingies: i.imgur.com/2UDiW9P.png

Also, I'm not using any meds and weight is 68kg (150lbs) at 180cm (5'11"). I know men shouldn't be so light after so much time spent training but seemingly my body hates muscle and loves fat. Even at a such a low weight I'll bulk for 8kg and 6kg out of will be fat. And yes, it's a slowish lean bulk with no cheat days ever at the gain rate of 1-1.5kg per month. It's just sad.