

New member
Whats the purpose of EO? Less pip? Increased solubility? Better stability? Some ppl dont tolerate EO well i read somewhere, is that a myth?
Some love it while others bodies can't tolerate it. It's known to turn the injection area red, warm, swollen and have abscess-like symptoms for the ones who can't handle it. Granted, it does allow for higher concentrations but honestly I don't give 2 shits about shooting some painful ass 400mg test!

If you are going to use it, I would start with a very small percentage and work up from there. It is pretty intense stuff though, leave a cc of EO in a syringe over night and see what it does to the rubber stopper! I've used only 4% which I can handle but my buddy hates the shit even at 4%! I find it to be 50/50 with whose body likes it and whose body doesn't so it's all up to you!
Yea, i dont like the sound of it tbh.... I think ill stick with regular concentrations to avoid using eo. The less chemicals the better imo
Won't ever go near it again. Crazy concentrations and crazy pip. Better off sticking with normal concentrations. Goes through the needles smoothly though.
What about dtones's recipes and the 50/50 mix? What about using EO with normal consetrations.

Do some research on the side effects and the pain caused by it. In my opinion, it's 50/50 whose body it will agree with and whose it will cause tremendous pain. Like I said before, I only used 4% and my body is cool with it but my buddy has freaked out from it. With how much pain he was in with 4% I'd hate to see what he would have gone through with 50%!!!

With my research on the stuff I've also read that pharmacies used it in progesterone for females. The ladies were also complaining about the same issues that us juice heads are bitching about with the pain and redness!

Its up to you man, give it a try and see how it goes! The pain will only last for about a week ;)