Ep stane dynamic formulas


New member
What's your opinion on it my buddy gave me a bottle of it
He's ran it before said it worked good for him put on some mass but it realy made him more defind looking anyone else ever tried it
im 24 6'2 210 8 percent bf been for about 6 months now after about a year break before lifting for about 2 years I was at 190 when I started again gained 20 pounds and not much if any bf
Started it last Friday not expecting anything yet but here are my current measurments
Thigh 23.75''
Calf 16.5
Waist 35
Chest 43
Bicep 15.25
Forearm 13
stopped taking it yesterday It was only 2 weeks but I gained about 8 pounds I also added methylstenbolon in at 30 mg a day after week 1 so it lasted a week the only sides I noticed were slight acne on back and had dry mouth most days but I always drink a lot of water anyways so this was no problem pct is nolva 20mg ed for 2 weeks then 10mg ed for another 2
A 4-6 week cycle of epistane and dienolone will rock your world if you cycle again in the future. Keep it in mind, less sides than most pro hormones
TEST E is some good shit but if you are going to run a long ester it might be in your benefit to look at running the supps you find on this forum other then D-bol. I ran d-bol before and it was awesome for strength gains but a lot of bloat and hella wins hands down when comparing the two. Not saying that's your only choice "d-bol" but most first cycles include it if not just Test. Good luck with the future cycles, you'll love some test!
I was planning on 12 week test e at 500 mg a week kickstsrt with dbol but I also have methylstenbolone already you saying that a prohormones kickstsrt is a good idea?
Started it last Friday not expecting anything yet but here are my current measurments
Thigh 23.75''
Calf 16.5
Waist 35
Chest 43
Bicep 15.25
Forearm 13

Are you sure you are at 8% BF? Do you have ripped abs? Because 35" waist and 8% don't really go with on another unless you got a bloated stomach and that comes from years of training and eating A LOT of food.

For a beginner 400mg cycle of test E or C would be good to go. Like seriously just 400mg with no kick starter or anything for 12 weeks straight.

Get your proteins, fish oil, joint supplements, and just run that and you'll be gtg.

Arimidex for when you get gyno and nolva for pct.
Yea I was going off of a body fat caliper but after looking at pictures of bf I think I'm more around 12 I can see my abs the top 4