Epistane help


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Age: 26
13% bf

I need some advice and please try not to be an a-hole because I know I did this poorly. I ran my epi cycle really high at 56mg daily and I'm not getting any sides other than lethargy but I'm concerned so I'm going to cut it short at 3 weeks.

For PCT - I have Nolva 40/40/20/20 and reversitol v2

Do you think running pct (nolva) for 16 days on a 4 day split (40/40/20/20) will be sufficient? I just don't want to have extra hormones in my body longer than absolutely necessary. I appreciate your feedback.
No reason to cut it short bro my first run of EPI I ran it for 6 weeks and was running it at 60 your fine keep running it and eating like a horse and training hard
That's not very high, no need to be worried. Epi hasn't even fully kicked in at 3 weeks. Keep going for another week or 2. But if your dead set on quitting I would still do 40/40/20/20 everyday.