epistane post cycle therapy (pct) advice


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epistane PCT advice

My first cycle on a PH and i've run epi for 5 weeks, 30/30/30/40/40 and was considering reversitol v2 and animal stak for a pct , lasting 4-8 weeks (thoughts on duration?) however a lot of people have been saying that a SERM is essential and if so, which and to be run with what and for how long? HELP please!
My first cycle on a PH and i've run epi for 5 weeks, 30/30/30/40/40 and was considering reversitol v2 and animal stak for a post cycle therapy (pct) , lasting 4-8 weeks (thoughts on duration?) however a lot of people have been saying that a SERM is essential and if so, which and to be run with what and for how long? HELP please!

I will tell you right now a SERM is NOT essential for an non aromatzing oral cycle. You may perhaps run into delayed onset gyno problems once you cease the cycle due to suppressed DHT and testosterone levels from running a HIGH anabolic, LOW androgenic steroid.

Next time stack epi w/stanodrol or androhardv3 to boost dht levels,

For post cycle therapy (pct) --reversitol might be cool (need to look into it more) + testosterone conversion factor-1 (d-apartic acid) and sustain alpha topical to keep blood pumping in your member for performance issues.

One of our members, Dhurt recently ran an epistane cyle with excellent results. You might want to check for his log to see what he did for post cycle therapy (pct) with it.

Good luck and welcome to ology!