Epistane? Run alone or stack?


New member
Hey guys. Ive been researching epistane and have a few questions. I am 30 yrs old 6'2" 210 and pretty muscular. Ive ran 2 cycles of M drol a few years ago, with milk thistle, cycle assist, and OTC PCT. I've put on about 10lbs of fat after getting married. I am back on healthy eating habits the past couple weeks and have dropped a few pounds. I have had a minor case of gyno since puberty but ive always been able to keep my body fat low enough that its never bothered me too much. However, with the extra weight ive put on, it has become more noticable.
My main goal is to drop the rest of the fat, hide/reduce gyno, and bulk up a little.

1. Are my chances of bulking with epistane alone unlikely? Do I need to stack a bulking non-methyl with it?
2. With epi having AI like properties, will i see any improvement in my gyno because of this, or will my only chance be due to lowering my BF%?
3. I have some liquid letro that i bought last year for gyno but i never took it. Is this something i could throw in with PCT or will it shut me down?
4. What is a solid non methyl bulking PH i could stack with epistane?

This is what i planned on running so please give your advice.

Epi (if i run it alone) 40/40/50/50/50/50
Epi (stacked) ?-need advice....

Support supplements that i plan to preload and continue throughout PCT
HC generate ES
500 mg hawthorne berry
Glucosamine and fish oil
2 Liv52 caps a day (with ph)
2 milk thistle caps a day (with ph)
Taurine (keep on hand)


Thanks in advance
I'd say drop those ten pounds and get back into decent shape first.

I'd say look into the following from mrsupps beast v2 or mdrol 6.

pick up tudca for cycle support along with the ones you listed start hcgenerate mid cycle.pct I would say pick up novla run it 40 40 2020. keep your letro on hand in case

so this

ph: mrsupps beast v2 or mdrol 6.

HC generate ES (start mid cycle)
500 mg hawthorne berry
Glucosamine and fish oil
2 Liv52 caps a day
2 milk thistle caps a day
Taurine (keep on hand just case of back bumps)

pct novla 40 40 20 20
Im going to give it another week or so before i start anything. I am in good shape, thats not the issue, been lifting hard the past month or so which usually cuts the fat but i guess my metabolism is slower than it once was... Ha

I appreciate the info, i read into it. Beastdrol v2 sounds like something that is up my alley. Do you think its a better choice than the epistane? Anybody else have any experience with either of these 2 phs? More opinions the better
Hey Spoony.

My suggestion would be to add something wet to the epistane. Epistane can be fairly dry and bring on lethargy towards week 4+. Trestobol would be a good choice to keep the lethargy at bay.

You could stack it with any of the phs that Mich was talking about as well.
Im going to give it another week or so before i start anything. I am in good shape, thats not the issue, been lifting hard the past month or so which usually cuts the fat but i guess my metabolism is slower than it once was... Ha

I appreciate the info, i read into it. Beastdrol v2 sounds like something that is up my alley. Do you think its a better choice than the epistane? Anybody else have any experience with either of these 2 phs? More opinions the better

The choice between beast v2 and epi would really be goal dependent. Beast would be a 4 week cycle, and Epi you should run 6 weeks (but you essentially have the same amount of "on" time because Epi takes 2ish weeks to kick in and beast(msten) is usually felt by like day 3. Can't go wrong with either, but again, moreso goal dependent.
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Thanks guys. After alot of research, I plan on running the epistane alone. I feel it will help me meet my goals and possibly help with my gyno. Ive already ordered all my supps for on cycle but I need some opinions on pct. My main concern with PCT is keeping the gyno at bay. Like i said, I have letro on hand. But with epi having AI like properties, I'm not going to run it with my cycle. But what about during PCT? I understand PCT is about getting your hormones, mostly natural T levels, back in order. But what about estrogen levels.... I feel like i have a weapon against gyno with the letro but i dont really know how to use it in the grand scheme of my cycle. Especially since its hell on joints, and so is the PH im goin to run. A little help guys...

Again this is what my plan is, is there anyway to include the letro? I was thinking i could start it about halfway through my pct and then taper off about 2 weeks after pct???

Preloading 2 weeks:
HC generate 5 caps a day
565 mg hawthorne berry
3 Liv52 caps a day
2 milk thistle caps a day
Glucosamine and fish oil

On cycle 6 weeks:
Epistane 40/40/40/50/50/50
HC generate 5 caps a day
565 mg hawthorne berry
3 Liv52 caps a day
2 milk thistle caps a day
Glucosamine and fish oil
Taurine (on hand for back pumps)

Off cycle 4 weeks:
HC generate ES 5 caps a day
565 mg hawthorne berry
3 Liv52 caps a day
2 milk thistle caps a day
Glucosamine and fish oil
Thanks guys. After alot of research, I plan on running the epistane alone. I feel it will help me meet my goals and possibly help with my gyno. Ive already ordered all my supps for on cycle but I need some opinions on pct. My main concern with PCT is keeping the gyno at bay. Like i said, I have letro on hand. But with epi having AI like properties, I'm not going to run it with my cycle. But what about during PCT? I understand PCT is about getting your hormones, mostly natural T levels, back in order. But what about estrogen levels.... I feel like i have a weapon against gyno with the letro but i dont really know how to use it in the grand scheme of my cycle. Especially since its hell on joints, and so is the PH im goin to run. A little help guys...

Again this is what my plan is, is there anyway to include the letro? I was thinking i could start it about halfway through my pct and then taper off about 2 weeks after pct???

Preloading 2 weeks:
HC generate 5 caps a day
565 mg hawthorne berry
3 Liv52 caps a day
2 milk thistle caps a day
Glucosamine and fish oil

On cycle 6 weeks:
Epistane 40/40/40/50/50/50
HC generate 5 caps a day
565 mg hawthorne berry
3 Liv52 caps a day
2 milk thistle caps a day
Glucosamine and fish oil
Taurine (on hand for back pumps)

Off cycle 4 weeks:
HC generate ES 5 caps a day
565 mg hawthorne berry
3 Liv52 caps a day
2 milk thistle caps a day
Glucosamine and fish oil

If you are gonna run the letro, at the earliest I'd start it is like week 5... might add some DAA to your PCT as well, just seems like it's missing something but I can't put my finger on it (than again I wouldn't personally ever have hcGen or ES in my cycle plans (I'm a cheapskate), so I have a hard time mixing and matching with what would stack well with HCES)
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If you are gonna run the letro, at the earliest I'd start it is like week 5... might add some DAA to your PCT as well, just seems like it's missing something but I can't put my finger on it (than again I wouldn't personally ever have hcGen or ES in my cycle plans (I'm a cheapskate), so I have a hard time mixing maxing with what would stack well with HCES)

Is Erase for PCT good enough along with everything else i have listed? Again, keeping gyno at bay is as important to me as keeping my gains.
What is a good DAA?
And thoughts on sarms1 ostarine? Necessary?
Nope, absolutely not.
You should have 4 hours between PHs and liver support / cycle support.
Your fish oil however should be taken with the PH to help absorption.
Nope, absolutely not.
You should have 4 hours between PHs and liver support / cycle support.
Your fish oil however should be taken with the PH to help absorption.

The Fish oil will help absorption. The ph should be taken 1st thing am and 3-6 pm depending on when u wake up.

Liver support at night so they don't cleanse your body of the ph
Is Erase for PCT good enough along with everything else i have listed? Again, keeping gyno at bay is as important to me as keeping my gains.
What is a good DAA?
And thoughts on sarms1 ostarine? Necessary?

Erase is not good enough for PCT. You're going to need a SERM like Nolvadex, Clomid or Toremifene. DAA and Erase can help with PCT, but they won't be enough without a SERM.
Hi Spoony, BigBlackGuy is right, Erase isn't enough for PCT, it just doesn't have all you need to keep your gains and get your natural test back up quickly. Many people on this forum do nolva, clomid etc and have had success. Many people take Post Cycle 3X with Daa Max both by Vital and get good results for thier pct. PCT3x is a well rounded pct and the reviews I have seen people are happy with it. Either way best of luck and I hope your excited for the GAINZZZZZ.