Epistane V.S or With Androgel 1.62%


New member
Hello Fellow Muscle Dudes!

I have been a frequent reader here on Steroidology but just recently decided to register and open the account. I have a need other people's honest opinions/input/experience/facts/info I can get.

I am 24, turning 25 in July YIPPIE! I weigh roughly 150, 6'0" Tall. I have used a few AAS injectables before.. 1st cycle test cyp & deca, 2nd cycle dbol, 3rd cycle test 400. Anyway, I have experience in the area.

I planned to take epistane to help me gain muscle mass, and o cf course strength, my question is that I just came across 2 containers of Androgel 1.62% and was wondering if there was any way I could include it with the epistane, or even whether it be before or after. I will be prepping my liver with cycle assist, and have nolva on hand.

I appreciate any info that will aid me in making the right choice, Thanks Brothers!
yeah you have a lot of experience to speak of: 150 at 6 feet tall and dbol as a second cycle..dont touch anything and get a diet
is a container mean a full box of 30 packets ? , two will only get your test to about where a boy your age is already. i wouldn't do either of these as an AAS type move.
of course

you have the smart guy that wont answer the question. I thank the person who supplied me with it for not caring much. but can I get an honest ansjUwer from someone willing to give one