Man, to be honest with you I'd just keep doing the Injectables. Epistane is a great PH... But that's all it is. You will not see the same results from Epi that you could get from real gear. I love Epi, and always will... But it's not nearly as effective as good ol' test. I guess it really depends on what you're looking for. If you want to cut and try to maintain or even possibly gain LBM then Epi and Furuza make a great stack. If you're looking to bulk up then Epi and M-LMG make a great stack. Possibly Epi and Trenazone. In the end it's about what you're comfortable doing. Just remember that Orals are harsher on the liver and often times have more severe sides. Epi is pretty mild compared to some, but it's possible to have sides.