EQ conversion


New member
I know it is an oil, so I would guess it would be easy like an enanthate or deca conversion? I want to make it 400mg/ml, this would be easy right?

I just made some enanthate 500 and deca 400, I used 5% BA and 5% BB, but I am sure I could have used less. It won't draw with a 25g, but if your patient it does shoot with one.
EQ is simple at 400mg/ml, and since it is liquid already, you really don't need any solvent.

I usually put about 3% BA in mine, just for the bacteriostatic properties. But you could actually go as low as 1% for that purpose.
if you heat it a bit before injection it flows much easier. try drawing with a 18g pin then shoot with a 25, 23g.

In oily solutions BA is almost useless as a antimicrobial. it is however a great water soluable solvent. it is more effective in aqueous solutions esp when combined with autoclaving at 120c. but who here has an autoclave? lolololol filtration and heat sterization are the way to go for bacteria free solutions. dont be fooled into thinking that BA is an end all to those pesky bacteria that lurk in the darkness. happy experimenting guys and gals