eq out of the bag


New member
what is the best way to get eq out of the bag with out spilling it all over and does anyone have a link to harvey's Winstrol (winny) conversion oral or inject. thanks bros.
PAC said:
what is the best way to get eq out of the bag with out spilling it all over and does anyone have a link to harvey's Winstrol (winny) conversion oral or inject. thanks bros.

get a jar if you have enough hormone. cut the corner out of the bag and let it run into jar. placing over mild heat will help it run out. then when you want some heat the jar a bit and pour liquid into container on zeroed scales. hope this helps
PAC said:
thanks. i will give it the old college try.

this applies only if you have more than you are going to make up at one time. if you are going to make it all up just cut the bag and let it drain into whatever you are using to mix and heat.
got ya

any info on suspensions?like the recipe harvey wrote i cant find it any more?

ive got some Winstrol (winny) powder im new to conversions would make a suspension or make into im?
you can make a suspension or a solution for injection with Winstrol (winny). directions are on here under "anybody convert winstrol powder" scroll down abit.
sounds to easy

im gonna take 5gm powder(winny)put it into 250 ml of everclear boil it and thats it,maybe apply heat a couple more times so it holds. does it ever hold completly? shaking now and then or does a solvent make it hold?and this will be 20mg per ml.
well to start with why would you make it 20mg/ml. thats a low dose. 50mg or higher is the preferred dose. 5gs plus 45ml or so will make 50ml at 100mg/ml. 1/2 a ml will be 50mg. good place to start. unless you are making it for a woman. no it will not stay in solution, it will a suspension. I thought you wanted an injectatable. if you inject that you will regret it. what is it that you want to accomplish? put on size, get stronger, lean out or what? do you have dbol power? do you want injectable or oral? you seem confused a little. good luck

if i can get away with making it all oral i will.this Winstrol (winny) is bieng saved for pre-contest.dbol now.
Re: sounds to easy

PAC said:
im gonna take 5gm powder(winny)put it into 250 ml of everclear boil it and thats it,maybe apply heat a couple more times so it holds. does it ever hold completly? shaking now and then or does a solvent make it hold?and this will be 20mg per ml.

Don't nkow how well it will suspend, but only 20mg/ml is a lot more everclear than you are going to want everyday. Nasty shit. I made a Winstrol (winny) suspenion at 50mg/ml and cut the everclear 50/50 with glycerol. It was easy to put down but too clumpy for acurate dosing.

Winny solution in oil is too easy not to do (with the right recipe). Save your liver and make it IM.

Oh yeah, and for the EQ, just use any old laminated card to scrape it all out of the bag.